February 20, 2015
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Dear District 41 Community,

I am writing to you after hearing that there is serious concern over the future of our Dual Language Program within our district community. It is my understanding that this confusion was sparked by a quote in a recent Chicago Tribune article.

I want to assure our community that our Dual Language Program is strong and there are zero plans to eliminate it or to cut back on it's implementation. In fact, this program is the optimal way for our district to fulfill the Federal mandate to provide bilingual education. The District 41 Board of Education and the District administration are fully supportive of this program and look forward to continuing to watch it grow.

The Dual Language program was established in 2013/2014 as a way for our district to fulfill the state law regarding the Bilingual Educational program requirements and the Federal Bilingual Education Act. The District 41 Dual Language program is currently offered at Churchill Elementary School and begins with kindergarten. It will continue to roll up through all of our elementary grades, K-5, with additional courses becoming available in 6 through 8th grades. The classes include 50 percent native Spanish and 50 percent English speaking students. The 50/50 model of instruction provides a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum in which students receive instruction in both languages through specific content areas.

We are currently accepting applications for the incoming Dual Language kindergarten class for the 2015/2016 school year. This program fills up fast. If there are families who would like more information about the Dual Language Program, please contact Katie McCluskey, Director of ESL and Bilingual Programming, 630-534-7206.

I hope this information helps clear up any confusion regarding our Dual Language Program.

Thank you.





Please direct your questions or comments about E-News to District 41 Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel, ekrehbiel@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies are not received and so cannot be answered. Thank you!