Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Registration is Coming Soon!

Is your child returning to District 41 next year? If so, it will soon be time to register for school. 

Registration for returning students begins earlier this year, March 2 - March 20. Mark your calendars!

It is important for parents to register as early as possible because registration information helps us prepare for your child's experience next year. Knowing returning student numbers helps the district plan for staffing, class assignments, and purchases of materials and building supplies, to name a few.

Returning student registration will be done online again this year - Packets will not be mailed (although you will receive a reminder postcard and call). The District is happy to share that the registration has been streamlined and is fast and convenient! We have also set up evening registration help at each school for those who would like in-person assistance. Please call your school to find out specific dates/times.

You will receive more information and other reminders soon. Thank you in advance for registering as soon as possible.

Your Input is Essential

District 41 is participating in the Illinois Board of Education 5Essentials survey. Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. We want to hear from you! Your responses will impact the direction of the school district in many ways. We need at least 20 percent of parents at each school community to take the survey. We are half way there!

To take the survey, CLICK HERE and select the appropriate survey to begin.

Community Engagement Opportunities

Student success is supported by families who are involved in their child's education. District 41 is committed to connecting with the community and being your partner in education. Please join us for the following events:

District 41 Town Hall Meeting
Wednesday, March 4, 7 p.m., Hadley Junior High, LMC

Board of Education - Community and Conversation
Saturday, March 7, 8:30 to 10 a.m., Glen Oak Restaurant, Glen Ellyn

All are welcome!

PTA Safety Fair

District 41 PTA Council, in collaboration with District 41 Central Services Office, Hadley Junior High School, Glen Ellyn Public Library, Glen Ellyn Police Department, Wheaton Police Department, Glen Ellyn Fire Department, and Glen Ellyn Park District, will host a Safety Fair on Saturday, March 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Hadley Junior High School, 240 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn.

All District 41 families are welcome!
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Vendor Fair and Interactive Activities including home safety, fire safety, self-defense, community safety, bike safety, and first aid.

9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Informal Coffee and Conversation with Glen Ellyn Deputy Police Chief Holmer, Wheaton Police Officer Kathy Sommerfield and D41 Building and Grounds Director Dave Scarmardo - School and Community Safety.

10 - 11 a.m. AND 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Breakout Sessions for parents (both sessions held at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.):

"Adolescent Survival" presented by Liz Repking from CybersafetyConsulting.com, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) Amanda Scanlon, Clinical Psychologist Chad Alcorn and Hadley Counselors: Kyle Sieck and Emmah Welsh.

"Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussions and Spinal Injuries" presented by Dr. James Elliott and Dr. Andrew Chenelle.

For more information, please contact Kristin Massey at ptakristin@gmail.com or Susan Lange at susan_p_lange@hotmail.com.

More on Measles

As it has been reported in the news, there have been several confirmed cases of the measles in Illinois. For your information, please CLICK HERE our related Board of Education policy. 

Schools are required to follow the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education guidelines. All elementary, middle school, high school - both public and private - follow these same guidelines.

Students entering at any grade level must show evidence of 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella vaccine). Students may be considered in compliance with ISBE and IDPH law, but not protected from Measles, Mumps or Rubella if they:

1) Have a religious exemption to immunizations - Parents must write a letter delineating each immunization that their child is precluded from receiving based on the specific religious tenet that they hold. It does not have to be an "organized" religion or denomination. The local school authority rules on those letters.

2) Have a medical exemption - A doctor has written a letter/note explaining why the student is not vaccinated. An example would be a student receiving chemotherapy for leukemia. We must send copies of these Doctor letters to the IDPH regional immunization authority to rule on whether the medical exemption is accepted.

3) The child is behind in their immunizations and is in the process of making them up. They have a doctor note that specifically notes the dates on which they will receive each vaccine that they are missing. This is called being on a schedule.

All schools report their compliance information to the Illinois State Board of Education on October 15 of each school year. The compliance rates of D41 schools range from 98.5% - 100% compliant.

8th Grade Boys Win Conference Championship!

Hadley joined the Illinois Prairie Athletic Conference this year and the 8th grade boys basketball team won the conference championship in its inaugural season.  The team finished with a 17-2 record while winning the regular season conference and the post season conference tournament.

The team additionally won the Jackson Junior High tournament while placing 2nd at the Jay Stream Tournament.  Hadley was well represented by Tommy Brennan, Matthew Shellady, David Dillman, Steve Lopez, Colin Baker, Ryan Swartz, Evan Taylor, Caden Phillips, Jordan Myrick, Peter Schilling, Max Dikker, Griffin Foster, and Scott Monocchio.

Be Social with District 41

District 41 posts happenings and news about all of the schools on Facebook and Twitter.  Please like Glen Ellyn School District 41 on Facebook and follow @GlenEllynD41 and @D41Super on Twitter.  "See" you there!