February 9, 2015
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Measles Information for Parents

Due to the increased media coverage related to the measles, the DuPage County Health Department has asked us to share information about measles with our school district community.

Click for info from the DuPage County Health Department.

District 41 nurses work closely with the health department on medical related concerns. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.

Note: It is not too early to schedule school physicals for next year. Due to a new First Day Exclusion policy in our district, all incoming Pre-K, Kindergarten and 6th grade students will need to have a physical on file to start school next year. 




Please direct your questions or comments about E-News to District 41 Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel, ekrehbiel@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies are not received and so cannot be answered. Thank you!