Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

TONIGHT - Community Listening Session

Thank you to all who attended the Community Listening Session about facilities and full-day kindergarten this past Saturday.

Our next Community Listening Session on this same topic will be held TONIGHT Wednesday, February 4, at 7 p.m., Hadley Junior High, Library Media Center. All are welcome!

Ribbon Cuttings at Franklin and Lincoln

Thank you to everyone who attended the ribbon cutting events at both Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. Removing the portables and replacing them with bricks and mortar in order to bring our students and teachers inside of our school buildings is a significant step in our facilities plan.

Hadley TEENS for JEANS

Hadley Junior High is collecting jeans to donate to homeless teens. Schools, communities, and customers register to hold jean drives in partnership with Aeropostale and DoSomething.org. Please consider donating gently worn jeans. Boxes are set-up in the lunchroom or parents can drop the jeans off at the school office. Last day to donate is Wednesday, February 11.

Your Input is Essential 

District 41 is participating in the Illinois Board of Education 5Essentials survey. Thank you to those who have already completed the survey. We want to hear from you! Your responses will impact the direction of the school district in many ways. We need at least 20 percent of parents at each school community to take the survey. We are half way there!

To take the survey, CLICK HERE and select the appropriate survey to begin.

A Letter from Benjamin Franklin School Students

Dear District 41 Parents,

We are Level 2 Ben Franklin students who studied the monarch butterfly problem during our PBL unit. The problem is that the monarch population is declining at an alarming rate. One reason is that milkweed is dying from pesticides and because buildings are being developed where milkweed plants used to grow. We are asking that District 41 families plant milkweed in their gardens. By doing this more monarch butterflies will be able to lay their eggs (this is the only plant that they can do this) and continue the migration to Mexico. Families can go to Willowbrook Wildlife Center, garden centers or purchase milkweed seeds at the Ben Franklin Level 2 Open House on February 10. Please help us save the population of the monarch butterflies before they become extinct!


Garrett French
Luke Perry
Brayden Sebring

Churchill Students JUMP FOR THEIR HEARTS 

Students at Churchill Elementary in Glen Ellyn are jumping at the chance to fight heart disease and stroke, our nation's No. 1 and No. 4 killers. On February 9th Churchill will host its Jump Rope for Heart kickoff assembly. The Jump Rope For Heart event will be from February 3rd to February 27th to raise money for the American Heart Association, which funds lifesaving heart and stroke research and community and educational programs. The students will be participating in a heart healthy week from February 3rd through the 13th in their physical education class by jumping rope and learning about more about the heart.

Be Social with District 41

District 41 posts happenings and news about all of the schools on Facebook and Twitter.  Please like Glen Ellyn School District 41 on Facebook and follow @GlenEllynD41 and @D41Super on Twitter.  "See" you there!