Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41.  This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Reminder

Parent/Teacher conferences will take place next week. Conference scheduling is open in Skyward Family Access through Friday, October 31 or you may contact your child's teacher directly.
  • Wednesday, November 5 - There will be a full day of student attendance for all students. Conferences will take place from 5 - 8:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, November 6 - There will be no student attendance. Conferences will take place from 1 - 8 p.m.
  • Friday, November 7 - There will be no student attendance. Conferences will take place from 8:30 a.m. - noon.

Full-Day Kindergarten Conversation

class-newsletter.gif Thank you to everyone who took the District 41 Full-Day Kindergarten Survey. There were 642 respondents! The survey is a part of the process to inform the Board of Education as they continue the conversation about kindergarten and the District 41 facilities master plan. Superintendent Gordon will be presenting the survey results along with facilities information at the November 10, 2014, Board of Education meeting, 7:30 p.m, District 41 Central Services Office, 793 N. Main Street, Glen Ellyn. All are welcome to attend.

In addition, a District 41 Town Hall Meeting will be held on December 3, 6 - 7:30 p.m. at the Hadley Junior High Library Media Center, 240 Hawthorne Blvd., Glen Ellyn. Dr. Gordon will review his kindergarten and facilities presentation and will discuss these topics along with any other topics brought forward by the community. We hope to see you there!

Awards and Recognitions 

District 41 is pleased to announce that FGM Architects received an Award of Merit from the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) for the Hadley Junior High Library Media Center renovation. The award will be formally presented during the IASB conference in November.

Congratulations to Churchill teachers Brent Barker and Mary Lou Katrazynski on receiving the Highlight School Program Award for the "Outstanding Program Entitled 'A Day in the Life of Churchill Students Staying Active,' 2014."

Town Hall Meetings - Save the Date! 

District 41 will host three Town Hall Meetings this year presented by Superintendent Gordon. All Town Hall Meetings will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Hadley Junior High School Library Media Center, 240 Hawthorne Blvd., Glen Ellyn. We hope you will join us!
  • December 3, 2014
  • March 4, 2015
  • May 27, 2015

Board of Education Meeting Follow Up 

Click here for the board meeting agenda, packet and audio recording from the Monday, October 27, Board of Education meeting.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held on Monday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office, 793 N. Main Street.

Board meetings are open to the public. All are welcome!


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