Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41.  This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences at all District 41 schools are coming up on the following dates:
  • November 5 (5 - 8:30 p.m.)
  • November 6 (1 - 8 p.m.)
  • November 7 (8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
Parents will be able to schedule conferences with their child's teachers via Skyward/Family Access. Scheduling for elementary conferences will open today, October 15, at 4:30 p.m. Hadley conference scheduling will open in Skyward on October 27 (time to be determined).

Kindergarten Survey

The Board of Education is seeking information from the community on full-day kindergarten. Please complete this survey by Monday, October 20. Thank you to all those who have already completed the survey! Your feedback is very much appreciated.

Board Meeting Follow Up

The Board of Education met on Tuesday, October 14. Please click here for the Board meeting agenda, packet and audio recording.

The Board welcomed Peg Agnos, executive director, Legislative Education Network of DuPage (LEND) to the meeting. Peg shared the latest information regarding Senate Bill 16. Find Peg's presentation "The What of Senate Bill 16 and the Why of Advocacy" here. She shared that Representative Linda Chapa LaVia has no intention of calling the bill anytime soon. In a letter, Chapa LaVia stated that "the proposal in it's current form will not become law and there is still much more work to be done." The Illinois State Board of Education is looking for ways to make the bill more equitable.

Severe Weather Announcements

As colder weather approaches, please familiarize yourself with school closure notification procedures.  If there is a need to close school due to weather, parents and staff will receive voicemail and email notifications as early as possible. The district will also post school closing information on the District 41 website, school websites, and will report to the Emergency Closing Center here.

WOW! Workout Wednesdays

Are you wondering why most of our teachers and staff are wearing workout clothes on Wednesdays? The District 41 Wellness Task Force has launched new program this year, "Workout Wednesdays - WOW." Staff who workout on Wednesdays and make exercise a priority are encouraged to wear their workout clothes (and/or WOW t-shirts) to school. The goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle for each employee and to also generate conversation with students about healthy living. The Wellness Task Force also sends out Weekly Wellness Updates to all staff and coordinates health screenings and medical events, such as flu shots, throughout the year. Here are a few comments from staff about WOW: 

*Just wanted to say thank you for the WOW days. It's crazy how a simple tshirt can make such a positive impact. Wednesdays are more exciting, it seems like people have more energy mid week and its fun to challenge each other.

*I just want to say thank you for promoting wellness at D41. For me, it's so easy to become "too busy" to take care of myself properly. Your wellness emails and awareness days like WOW remind me how important it is to take the time to focus on my own health. Sometimes the emails are just the nudge I need to get moving, signup for a flu shot, or allow myself to have some much needed R&R.

*It's a little thing, but it lets me answer a few more emails or get a few more papers graded, and that's a good thing. Just wanted to let you know that this teacher is so thankful for this new initiative. And from talking to others around here, I know that I'm not alone.

*Just wanted you to know that wearing the shirt (and feeling extra motivated to get that time on the treadmill in) put a smile on my face. Thanks for making D41 an even better place to work.


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