Welcome to the first District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41.  This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Special Board Meeting

The Board of Education held a special Board meeting on Monday, October 6. Superintendent Gordon presented an overview of the Phase I facilities plan and shared the accomplishments upon completion of Phase I, including the removal of 16 portables. Most of the discussion focused on current space limitations and possibly adding full-day kindergarten. Click here for the audio of this special meeting.

The Board of Education would like to know more about how the community feels about possibly having full-day kindergarten offered in District 41. Please take this quick survey and let us know!

State of the District Address

Superintendent Gordon presented the State of the District Address on Tuesday, September 30.  Click here for the video of his presentation. The address was also featured in the My Suburban Life newspaper here.

Abraham Lincoln Teacher Wins National Children's Literature Award

Congratulations to Abraham Lincoln Elementary teacher P.J. Harte-Naus for winning the 2014 Children's Literature Independently Published Principals' Award in the Grades 3-4 category for her book, My Sometimes Pal. Ms. Harte-Naus has taught in District 41 since 1982. The announcement of her award was featured in the Chicago Tribune newspaper here

Student Handbook

Each school year, Board policy requires parents to receive a copy of the student handbook. This publication provides basic information on important matters such as curriculum, discipline, student health, parent-teacher conferences, and more. District 41 has transitioned from a print publication to an online version. It is posted on the homepage of the District 41 website and on the homepage of all of our school websites. Families who have previously requested district communications in paper format will be sent a print version of the publication via their student's backpack mail. If you would prefer a paper copy, please contact your school office.

Click here for the 2014-2015 Student Handbook

Children of U.S. Military Personnel

According to Illinois State School Code, school districts are required to report to the Illinois State Board of Education the number of enrolled students identified as children of U.S. military personnel. School districts serving any of grades kindergarten through 12 shall provide families the opportunity to voluntarily state whether a student has a parent or guardian who is a member of a branch of the armed forces of the United States and who is either deployed to active duty or expects to be deployed to active duty during the school year. District 41 collects this voluntary information upon initial enrollment; however, if you'd like to update your child's record, please complete the Military Collection Data form and submit it to your child's school office.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact District 41 registrar, Marylou Gehringer at mgehringer@d41.org

ISAT Scores and Fall MAP Testing Results

On Wednesday, October 8, results from the 2014 ISAT test will be sent home via backpack mail with students in grades four through eight. Please contact one of your child's teachers or the school office with any questions you may have.

On Friday, October 10, Fall MAP results will be available to view in Skyward Family Access. If you wish to receive a paper copy of your child's MAP results, please contact his or her teacher.


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