August 22, 2014
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.
Internet Safety Program For Parents coming Aug. 28 and Sept. 2

"The Digital Age - Is my child ready?"

Officer Jeff Bean, founder of Act on Bullying, Inc. and a Chicago suburban police officer specializing in digital law enforcement, will present two internet safety sessions for District 41 Parents. Please join us as we learn together about this important topic. No RSVP necessary.

This presentation is intended for Parents/Guardians only. Children should not attend.

Thursday, August 28, 7 p.m.
Hadley Jr. High School Parents, 6-8 Grades
Hadley Library Media Center

Tuesday, September 2, 7 p.m.
Elementary School Parents, K-5
Hadley Library Media Center

Note: Similar content will be shared at each presentation.
If you can't make one of the dates, feel free to attend the other session.







Please direct your questions or comments about E-News to District 41 Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel, We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies are not received and so cannot be answered. Thank you!