August 21, 2014
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.
Dear D41 Community ,

On Monday, August 11, the Glen Ellyn District 41 School Board approved a new policy, 9:00,  Student Use of Personal Technology. The approval of this policy comes after a comprehensive process. Thank you again to the many parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members who attended the Technology Listening Sessions and participated in this process with us over the past several months. I am proud of the way the entire district came together to engage in this important conversation.

Here is the Student Use of Personal Technology policy approved by the Glen Ellyn District 41 School Board:

Section II: Student Use of Personal Technology

Personal Technology Usage

The School Board is committed to providing all students a safe and secure learning environment. The use of personal technology is a privilege, not a right, and will only be permitted if a signed authorization form (Acceptable Use of Technology Authorization Form) is on file with the school district indicating compliance with current procedures and safeguards and may require the payment of a fee if provided for in the related Administrative Procedure. The District is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of personal technology. In order to achieve this goal, the use of personal technology on school grounds by students will be allowed under the following conditions.

For students in grades Pre-K through 5:

  1. Personal technology will not be utilized during school hours.

  2. During school hours, students will be required to turn off all personal technology and keep it off their person.

  3. Parents may apply for a waiver for medical/academic purposes for the use of personal technology during school hours.

  4. Personal technology will be permitted before and after school.

If personal technology usage is deemed inappropriate disciplinary action will be taken as outlined in Student Discipline Policy 7:190.

For students in grades 6 through 8:

  1. Personal technology will be allowed during school hours as long as it is powered off and non-disruptive.

  2. Personal technology may be utilized during school for academic purposes with direct guidance from teachers.

  3. Parents may apply for a waiver for medical/academic purposes for the use of personal technology during school hours.

  4. Personal technology is not allowed during lunch hours.

  5. Students will be allowed to use personal technology before and after school on District property or during district-sponsored or related activities as long as it is not disruptive or inappropriate.

  6. Personal technology shall not be used for inappropriate purposes.

If personal technology usage is deemed inappropriate, disciplinary action will be taken as outlined in Student Discipline Policy 7:190.

More information about this policy and a form to sign will be going home with students on the first day of school. Please look for this information and return the signed form to building principal offices by Friday, August 29.

Thank you,

Paul Gordon







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