June 10, 2014
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.



On Monday, June 9 the Board of Education (BOE) appointed Cathryn Wilkinson to fill the vacant seat created by the resignation of President Sam Black. The appointment becomes effective June 10, after Ms. Wilkinson signs a letter of commitment including the oath of office. The BOE will welcome Ms. Wilkinson as its newest member at the June 23 BOE meeting. The seat Ms. Wilkinson is filling will be on the ballot for the April, 2015 BOE election. The selection was made after the BOE interviewed 14 very strong applicants, said Mr. Black, adding "I want to thank all of those who put themselves forward because they want to serve our district, and I hope that they will all stay involved."


In her application, Ms. Wilkinson said, "I would like to serve as a board member in order to support and shape our local school system to equip all students to confidently meet the challenges of the 21st century. As an adult, I am grateful for the excellent education that my teachers provided for me, and I would like to ensure this same opportunity for the diverse range of students in District 41."


A resident of District 41 for 10 years, Ms. Wilkinson has worked in higher education for 14 years; most recently, she was an associate dean at the College of DuPage.


Consistent with Board Policy, BOE Vice President John Kenwood becomes BOE President for the duration of the term. At its June 23 meeting, the BOE will elect one of its members to serve as vice president. BOE officers are elected by the BOE for two-year terms; new officer elections will be held after the April, 2015 BOE election. The district's legal counsel has said that the current succession policy for the BOE presidency may be inconsistent with Illinois School Code, and the BOE has directed the Policy Committee to review the matter.    


Erika M. Krehbiel has been hired as the district's Chief Communications Officer, replacing Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen, who retires June 30. Ms. Krehbiel comes to the district from Northeastern Illinois University, where she was Chief Communications Officer and Director of University Outreach. She has a broad range of experience, including overall communications, Web site development, media relations and community outreach. A graduate of Glenbard West High School, Ms. Krehbiel earned her bachelor's degree from Millikin University and her master's degree from Northeastern Illinois University.  

Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at jworthen@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies cannot be answered. Thank you!