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Dear community members,
This message is a personal one to let you know that my family and I will be moving to Florida this summer. My wife has been offered a new opportunity with her firm and we are excited for her and looking forward to becoming Floridians. I have told my fellow Board members and the administration that I believe my last meeting will be June 9. 
The next steps from a Board perspective have not yet been determined; at its May 12 meeting, the Board will discuss the process for filling both the vacant seat for the duration of my term, and the position of Board President. My seat will be on the ballot for a four-year term in the April, 2015 election.
If you or someone you know may have an interest in the vacancy, please watch for more information to be communicated following the May 12 Board meeting.
Living here has been a wonderful experience for my family; we have been happy and our children have flourished. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve the District 41 community and will be sorry to leave my friends, neighbors and colleagues in District 41.
Yours Sincerely,
Sam Black