Add your voice...please reserve your spot today!
Two sessions to choose from:
-Wednesday, April 23, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
-Saturday, May 3, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
District 41's Community Listening Sessions are times to connect, learn and contribute your ideas to District 41 for future long-range planning. During these sessions, participants will work in small table groups on the following topics:
- Preparing students for the future: What skills will tomorrow's employers be looking for and how can we best prepare our students?
- Finances/facilities: Are we doing everything we can to ensure financial sustainability? What are the most crucial needs for our facilities?
- Engagement: How can we best connect with our increasingly diverse community?
These 90 minute sessions will all be held in the newly renovated Hadley Library Learning Center, 240 Hawthorne Blvd., Glen Ellyn:
Reserve your spot online: Click here for more information, to register for a session and to indicate a preference for which topic you'd like to focus on. The registration site also has background materials in case you would like to do some advance reading.
Please note: The deadline to register for the April 23 session is Friday, April 18; the deadline to register for the May 3 session is Tuesday, April 29.