March 28, 2014
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.


A Hadley Junior High School teacher whose classroom has been described as "a perfect setting for creative minds," is the Illinois PTA Outstanding Teacher of the Year. Sixth grade literacy teacher Hillary Shumate was stunned Friday morning when she arrived at an impromptu school assembly to receive the news to wild applause. "I'm so excited! I feel like this is the Oscars," said Ms. Shumate, adding that, "I love being a teacher and I don't do anything differently than any of the wonderful teachers I work with--we all love teaching and adore our students!"


According to PTA DuPage West Region Director Jean Donovan, this is the highest honor that the state PTA can bestow on a teacher. Hadley PTA President Lori Taylor made the announcement. "Hadley has awesome teachers," she said. "We had a hard time choosing a nominee, but one name kept popping up." 


In its nominating submission, the Hadley PTA said it was proposing Ms. Shumate for the award for her "boundless passion for education, her exemplary teamwork skills, and her commitment to growing and improving as an educator." The nomination included recommendations from many others, including comments from a past student who described Ms. Shumate as a teacher students always feel like they can talk to about any issues in class or trouble they are having with literacy, and as someone with many teaching methods at her command to help students no matter what their learning style may be.


A literacy teacher at Hadley since 2002, Ms. Shumate has sponsored student clubs and served on committees. She is the founder of POW! (Powerful Outstanding Women!), which is a collaborative effort with the PTA to help Hadley girls reach their true potential. An animal lover, several years ago Ms. Shumate helped launch the Animal Helpers Club. She is the co-chair of the district's Professional Development Team and a member of the Continuous Improvement Team.


Hadley Principal Steve Diveley said, "This is a fantastic honor that reflects on the entire Hadley community. I am so proud of Hillary and what she represents." 


Above: Hillary Shumate, right, is shown with Hadley PTA President Lori Taylor.

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