Dear Lincoln Parents,
As you know, the district is conducting satisfaction surveys of students, staff and parents. These surveys ask about general topics-academics, school climate, finances-and also have a section about teacher/content specialization and multiage instruction. I encourage you to take this opportunity to give feedback...the more parents who participate, the more meaningful the results will be. If you haven't already done so, please set aside 10-15 minutes over the weekend for the survey.
I've received a question or two about the multiage plans for next year for Level 2 (grades 2 and 3). When the Board of Education (BOE) approved these plans last spring, it approved a three-year implementation with multiage for Level 2 next year in literacy/social studies. The BOE also talked about the need to evaluate how things are going, and the survey is part of that. The BOE will hear the results of the survey on April 14, and certainly has the ability to make some alterations in implementation for next year. I do want to clarify a couple of things about multiage:
If we implement multiage literacy/social studies in Level 2, students would receive the appropriate curriculum for their level. The standards for grades 2 and 3 are the grounded in the same standards and are taught through a series of eight modules-4 one year and 4 the next. It really makes no difference which 4 are taught in which year, just so that students experience all of them over the course of Level 2. These modules, developed with the leadership of our literacy specialists, are aligned to the Common Core, are comprehensive and include a range of materials teachers use to differentiate their instruction.
Regarding foreign language (which started this year in first grade and will roll up a grade each year), I've had some questions about what the 3rd graders would do while the 2nd graders are having Spanish. This year, Spanish came during the literacy/social studies block; next year it would come out of the math/STEAM block, which is by grade level, so there would be no impact on 3rd graders.
I hope that helps and please come to me if you have other questions about next year.
Reading ISAT's Next Week
The ISAT's continue next week. Students in grades 3-5 will be taking Reading Tests 1, 2, and 3. Tests will be given during the Literacy portion of your child's day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Encourage your children to get a good night's sleep, a nourishing breakfast, and come to school with a "Do my Best!" attitude.
Open House and Music Program Dates
Here are a few dates for your calendars. We hope you will be able to attend your child's open house. Students will be showcasing the great work they have done this year.
March 25th
6:30-7:00 p.m. 5th grade Music program
7:00-8:00 p.m. Level 3 Open House
April 15th
6:30-7:00 p.m. 1st grade music program
7:00-8:00 p.m. Open House
May 13th
6:30-7:00 p.m. 3rd grade Music program
7:00-8:00 p.m. Level 2 Open House
PTA Teacher Auction Tonight
Hope you will be able to attend tonight's event at Shannon's Restaurant. Our teachers have volunteered several fun activities they will be hosting for the auction winners. There are also several collaborative art projects done by students that would look great hanging in your home. In addition to all of these, there are several items that were donated by local businesses and parents that will definitely tempt your checkbook!
Pick-up and Drop-off Concerns
While student safety has significantly increased for student on school grounds, there have been several reports of unsafe behavior on side streets.
Please keep these things in mind for the safety of all of our students:
- If you are dropping or picking up children on a side street, monitor where and how they enter and exit your vehicle.
- Never allow students to cross a street between two park cars. Most of our students are not visible to drivers when they suddenly appear between two cars (especially SUV's and vans).
- Do not talk, text, or roam the internet on a phone. It is important for everyone to be aware of what is happening around them.
- Please do not park or block in driveways.
- Please do not block traffic by parking on both sides of narrow roads.
I met with members of the police department to discuss problems that exist on the side streets around the building. We are hoping to put a few pieces in place to help alleviate the problem.
Abe's Way Snowmen
As you may have notice, we have an increasingly growing number of snowmen appearing throughout our building. Homerooms have been earning special Abe's Way silver tickets which are linked to specific classroom goals. As soon as a class meets their goal, they are given a snowman to decorate and display.
While it may have been too cold this winter to build "real" snowmen, we are having lots of fun building them inside the building.
Spring can't be too far away! Clocks spring ahead this weekend, spring break is only three weeks away, and swimsuits being sold in all the major stores.
Thinking positive!
Linda |