January 10, 2014
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.



Author and speaker Will Richardson: Raising Modern Learners: A Parent's Guide to the Fast-Changing World of Education and Digital Literacy

Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 7:00 p.m.

Hadley Junior High in the Library Media Center


Don't miss this opportunity...those who have heard Will Richardson know that he is dynamic, funny, and most of all, insightful. A parent himself, he helps other parents bridge the gap between their own experiences and the new ways their children are navigating the world, the Web and school. His knowledge and perspectives are helpful to those who are tech-shy, tech-enthusiasts or somewhere in between. During the day, Mr. Richardson will be working with our teachers as part of Techno-Blast Institute Day. In the evening, he will be presenting to parents and community members.


Describing himself as an outspoken advocate for change, he described his presentation for the District 41 community this way: "In some pretty rapid and radical ways, the Web is changing the way we learn, the way we define an education, and the way we think about work, all of which has huge implications for our children. This presentation will look at the scope and scale of these shifts, clarify the roadblocks schools face, and offer specific starting points for parents to engage in a truly "different" conversation of how best to prepare their children for a change-filled, more uncertain world in the future."


Please come and bring a friend!


From Mr. Richardson's Web site: A former public school educator of 22 years, Will is a co-founder of Modern Learner Media which is dedicated to helping parents and policy makers develop new contexts for new conversations around education. He also co-founded Powerful Learning Practice, a program that has mentored over 10,000 teachers around the world in the last six years. Over the past eight years, he has spoken to tens of thousands of educators in over a dozen countries about the merits of online learning networks for personal and professional growth.



Calling all Hadley girls.... register today for a special event designed to empower you to be the best you can be! 



POW! stands for Powerful Outstanding Women and it's Hadley's third annual event for all girls in 6th-8th grade, along with the special women in their lives (moms, aunts, grandmothers, etc.). Returning is dynamic keynote speaker Tiffany Bruessard along with activities such as improv, yoga, mindful meditation, Zumba, vision boards, art and more. There will also be great new sessions like mindful meditation, and love letters to yourself! Those who attend POW! will get LOTS of free stuff including giveaways, free food, AND many, many raffle items.


POW! is the brainchild of Hadley teacher Hillary Shumate who enlisted the support of the Hadley PTA and community organizations to provide an event to inspire girls and help them meet their full potential. This free event will take place Jan. 18 at Hadley from 8:00 a.m. to noon. 

Please visit the POW! website and register for this FREE event. For even more information, visit POW! on Facebook. Questions? please email Hillary Shumate.

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Stressed for Success: How Life Online Amplifies the Challenges Facing Today's Teens with Dr. Catherine Steinar-Adair


Two sessions on Thursday, Jan. 23-free and open to all!

- At noon at the District 15 Marquardt Administration Center, 1860 Glen Ellyn Rd., Glendale Heights

- At 7 p.m. in the Glenbard South auditorium, 23W200 Butterfield Rd., Glen Ellyn.


Dr. Steinar-Adair, a Harvard Medical School professor and the author of The Big Disconnect: Protecting Teen and Family Relationships in the Digital Age, has conducted extensive research on the teen social networking scene and the toll it is taking on our students. She will outline how to build healthy relationships with your teen in the age of technology plus uncover the truth of the teen-dating scene in an online world with no boundaries including texting, sexting, viral-gossip and cyber-bullying. Participants will gain insights that will help all achieve greater understanding, authority, and confidence as they come up against the tech revolution unfolding in our classrooms and living rooms.


This program is free, open to all (middle school parents are especially encouraged to attend), and students are also welcome. Please join the parent drop-in discussion group at 6:30 p.m. prior to the evening program.


See the GPS brochure for more information about all the GPS presentations.


GPS is generously funded by the Cebrin Goodman Center, an affiliate of the Lillian and Larry Goodman Foundation, and in partnership with the Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE). Additional support comes from Sodexo Corporation.

Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at jworthen@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies cannot be answered. Thank you!