Eagle Briefs
Glen Ellyn School District 41

October 28, 2013

Dear Forest Glen Families,


Thursday is a big day for our students - Halloween!  Here are a few important details you need to be aware of as this special day approaches:


Different Lunch Time for Grades 1 - 5 -

12:40 - 1:35 PM


 Students going home for lunch should change into their costumes at home.  Please be sure that students arrive between 1:25 - 1:35 PM so they are ready for the Pumpkin Parade.  The parade begins at 1:45 PM.


Students staying for lunch will be able to change into their costumes during this time.  Staff will be available to help students with their costumes. 


Halloween Schedule

Here is the schedule for Halloween:

10:00 AM - PreK - Early Childhood Pumpkin Party

10:30 AM- Kindergarten Pumpkin Party

12:40 - 1:35 PM - Grade 1 - 5 Lunch (extended morning)

1:45 PM - Pumpkin Parade and Parties- Parade will be outside weather permitting.  We will exit the building at Door 15 on Main Street.  We will proceed to Elm Street and walk the entire block on Main Street.  We will proceed on Highland Avenue until we pass the portables and then proceed down the sidewalk and return to our classrooms via Door 6.


PM PreK / Early Childhood and PM Kindergarten will attend at their regular times.  PreK / Early Childhood PM session begins at 12:30 PM and PM Kindergarten session begins at 12:45 PM. 


Halloween Costume Reminders

Students may not wear masks or headgear which obscure identity or create a safety concern, costume paraphernalia, such as theatrical props, imitation or real weapons, gruesome or bloody articles, and costumes and / or make up which are considered threatening or inappropriate.  Students should not wear revealing clothing articles, short skirts / shorts, spaghetti straps or halters, and should have their midriffs covered at all times.  Metal, plastic, or rubber cleats, shoes with wheels, and other shoes that may damage floors may not be worn.  Scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, skates, play equipment, and electronic devices may not be used as part of a costume.


Parents at Parties

The PTA room parents have planned snacks and activities for our students. Due to our safety procedures and space constraints, only parents assigned to run the party who have gone through volunteer training will be permitted in the building.  The office staff have a list of the parent volunteers assigned to each room.  I know that this may be disappointing for some parents.  Thank you in advance for understanding.


Parent Volunteer Training

Mrs. Kuczora and I will be holding additional parent volunteer training meetings in the Forest Glen LMC.  The next scheduled dates are:

October 30 - 3:00 PM

October 31 - 9:15 AM


Parents who volunteer for the following events must receive training prior to volunteering:

Book Club, Field Trips, Library, Room Parties, Yearbook, Ambassadors, Cross Country Skiing, Knitting Club, and Classroom Volunteer.


We will offer more trainings in November and parents may be trained by making an appointment with Mrs. Kuczora or me.


Conference Sign Ups

If you have not already done so, the online conference system is open until Friday, November 1. 


This year, D41 has transitioned to a Skyward system for parents/guardians to sign up for parent-teacher conferences online.  The conference sign up feature is part of the Skyward Family Access portal that parents use to register their children.  Parents and guardians will be able to make an appointment with each if their students' teachers.


Conferences will be held on:

November 6 - 5:00 - 8:30 PM

November 7 - 1:00 - 8:30 PM

November 8 - 8:30 AM - Noon


The link will take you step by step for signing up.



If you have any questions or concerns about the sign up  process, please contact the school office or your child's teachers. 



Baldy Bulletin

Please click on the link in this e-mail to read the October / November edition of the Baldy Bulletin.

Featured Article

Mary Hornacek

Forest Glen Elementary School

Glen Ellyn, IL