Dear Forest Glen Families,
Here are two important announcements for all of our familes:
ISAT Scores
On Friday, September 27, results from the 2013 ISAT will be sent home via backpack mail with our students in fourth and fifth grade. Please contact one of your child's teachers, Mrs. Kuczora, or me if you have any questions.
Parent Volunteer Training
Mrs. Kuczora and I will be holding additional parent volunteer training meetings in the Forest Glen LMC. The next scheduled dates are:
September 30 at 9:15 AM and 3:00 PM
October 7 at 9:15 AM and 3:00 PM
October 10 at 7:00 PM
October 16 at 9:15 AM and 3:00 PM
Parents who volunteer for the following events must receive training prior to volunteering:
Book Club, Field Trips, Library, Room Parties, Yearbook, Ambassadors, Cross Country Skiing, Knitting Club, and Classroom Volunteer.
We will offer more trainings in November and parents may be trained by making an appointment with Mrs. Kuczora or me. |