Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities. |
Please note that E-News does not publish individual student names. |
HADLEY STRING ORCHESTRA BEST IN STATE The Hadley String Orchestra earned the prestigious "Honor Status" designation for the best performance at the Illinois Grade School Music Association State Contest on April 27. The orchestra, under the direction of Georgia Alemis, was the only orchestra selected in the state to receive this recognition, which is the highest honor a junior high orchestra can receive. The judges noted that they were very impressed with the difficulty of the repertoire and the performance sound of the Hadley String Orchestra. |
HADLEY STUDENTS EARN RECOGNITION A Hadley eighth grader won $500 from Itasca Bank and Trust in the Money Smart Week DuPage student essay contest. Her essay was the runner-up in the contest, which drew scores of submissions from across the county. Money Smart Week is a national collaboration of financial institutions, not-for-profits and other organizations in support of financial literacy and to help consumers to better manage their personal finances.
Three Hadley students have qualified to compete in the National History Bee in Atlanta June 1. The students first scored highly on a preliminary written test, then took an online qualifying test to compete in the Chicago Regional contest, after which they were notified that they were eligible to compete in the national bee for the $1,000 grand prize. |
As it has for several years running, Churchill participated May 1 in Project ACES (All Children Exercising Simultaneously), joining millions worldwide in bringing awareness to issues of childhood fitness.The physical education teachers led the entire school in controlled mayhem by "exer-gaming" using microphones, music and technology. Students and teachers filled the gym and followed in sync with digital figures projected on a giant screen as they danced, leaped, stretched and generally kept in furious motion for 15 minutes. Churchill used its new XBOX 360 kinect for the activity.