Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities. |
BOE MEETING MONDAY The Board of Education meets Monday, April 29 at the Central Services Office, 793 N. Main St., at 7:30 p.m. A presentation by Abraham Lincoln School on the District 41 Learner Characteristics is on the agenda. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. Agenda and packet information is posted at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. |
SCREEN FREE WEEK IS APRIL 29-MAY 5 During Screen Free Week (formerly TV Free Week), families are encouraged to turn off televisions, computers, and video games for seven days and turn on the world around them. Screen-Free Week is a chance for children to read, play, think, create, be more physically active, and to spend more time with friends and family. The Churchill and Abraham Lincoln PTAs are actively encouraging their families to participate in this national, coordinated effort by disseminating information about the week, suggesting fun alternatives and offering incentives. |
DISTRICT 41 PTAS EARN AWARDS At the Spring Annual Meeting of the PTA DuPage West Region, District 41 PTAs won a number of awards for outstanding leadership and activities.
Outstanding Leadership Award: Kristin Massey, President of the Abraham Lincoln PTA; "Rookie of the Year" (outstanding first-year PTA President): Sharon Ick, President of the Benjamin Franklin PTA; Membership Award for increasing membership: the Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and Hadley PTAs; Region Collaboration Award: Abraham Lincoln for Fitness Night; Region Outstanding Program Award: Benjamin Franklin for Family Math. In addition, the Abraham Lincoln PTA won the PTA's State Environmental Concerns Award for the Super Crayon Project it conducted with the Abraham Lincoln Student Ambassadors--the group collected broken crayons, took them to SCARCE where they were melted into 450 super-size crayons, and delivered these jumbo crayons to the Cooperative Association for Special Education (CASE) for use by students with special needs.
Superintendent Dr. Ann Riebock congratulated the PTAs, noting that "without the PTA's leadership, partnership and ambassadorship on behalf of our children and the district, we could not hope to achieve the excellence we continuously strive for." |
ONLINE REGISTRATION OPEN This year, District 41 is transitioning to online registration and information on this process is being sent home today in backpacks with elementary students, and via mail to Hadley families. Parents and guardians should have also received an email with instructions via our SchoolMessenger mass notification system.
You may register your child online for the 2013-2014 school year between now and Aug. 13. If you know that your child is returning to District 41 next year, please register him or her as soon as possible; we do not assume that students are returning unless they are registered. No fees are required to register your child.
Log-in and password: For those who have not used the Skyward Family Access recently, the login is the parent first name and last name separated by a period, all lower case (for example, jane.smith). If you have forgotten your login or password, click on the "Forgot My Login/Password link" on the login page. Skyward will then email you a link to reset your login/password.
Questions about the online registration process or about registration in general should be directed to the school office. |
Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at jworthen@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies cannot be answered. Thank you! |