Grades 1-5 Open House Rescheduled
New dates have been selected for our grades 1-5 Open House. This is a very busy time of year for everyone. After talking with teachers, I found we were unable to find an evening when the building was available and all teachers could attend. So our plan is to schedule this event over two evenings. Please check the list below for your child's open house date. As a reminder, this is an informal event. Parents are welcome to stop by to view student work and chat informally with staff. I hope you will all be able to attend.
Thursday, May 2nd from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- Grade 1- Buchholz, Conrad and Kotarba only
- All Grade 2 classrooms
- All Grade 4 classrooms
- All Grade 5 classrooms
Tuesday, May 7th from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
- Grade 1 - Sandoz only
- All Grade 3 (Music Concert at 7:00 followed by Open House)
Grade K- Open House This Thursday
Kindergarten Open House will be held on Thursday, April 25th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. as originally planned. Our Kindergarteners are excited to show you all the great work they have been doing these last few months!
Flip-Flop Day- Tomorrow!
A special spirit day is planned for tomorrow, April 25th. Students and staff are encouraged to wear a pair of flip-flops to school. As part of this special event, we have special activities planned for the last hour of the school day for students in grades 1-5. Students will be "flip-flopping" into a different classroom and working with a different teacher for this portion of the day. Teachers will be sharing some of the changes that will be put into place for the 2013-14 school year with students. As a special surprise, all school intercom Bingo (shhh! It's a surprise) has been planned for the last 20 minutes of the day. Our students earned this reward for collectively earning 20,000 Abe's Way tickets. We are all looking forward to a great afternoon tomorrow!
We have decided to put a little twist on our Abe's tickets and PBIS all school behavior system as we end the school year. New tickets have been printed with Abe's face replaced with a picture of a staff member. We have created tickets for all of our staff so it is quite comical watching the students check their collection of tickets for "repeats". Each class has a game board and students are working together to collect as many different tickets as possible. There are some tickets out there that are quite rare which is making this game very exciting. I can't wait to see which class wins Lincoln's 1st annual Lincolnopoly game!
Student Profile Sheets
As a quick reminder, Student Profile sheets that were sent home via backpack mail on Monday, April 15th are due back this coming Monday, April 29th. Thank you for your cooperation in sticking to the deadline.
May 16th - PTA Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
I will be sharing an update on our plans for the 2013-14 school year during the Principal's report portion of this meeting. This meeting will be held in the Old Gym. Everyone is welcomed to attend.
Next Week's Events
- April 29th - Screen Free Week starts
- April 29th @ 11:00 - DARE Graduation
- April 29th @ 7:00 - Lincoln School presents to D41 School Board at CSO Building
- April 29th @ 7:00 - Fitness Night
- May 2nd - Open House for some classrooms (see list above)
- May 4th - Ozzie Reading Program - Cougar's Game