Leopard Express


50 Years of Opening Minds and Opening Doors


Ignite passion. Inspire excellence. Imagine possibilities.

District 41 Vision


The Leopard Express is an e-news communication that you will receive throughout the year in an effort to more effectively and frequently communicate with you and share valuable information and celebrations about Abraham Lincoln School. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at lschweik@d41.org.




Dear Lincoln Parents,


This school year is just zipping by. I hope everyone was able to squeeze in some quality family time over Spring Break. Our students came back enthusiastic and ready for the last few months of school.  

Plans are well underway for the next school year. I would like to invite you to attend the May 16th PTA meeting to learn about the work that has been done thus far in preparation for the 2013-14 school year. The PTA meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Old Gym at Lincoln.


PE Newsletter


Please click on this link to for the latest PE newsletter. http://www.d41.org/schools/lincoln/images/penewsletter3rdtri.pdf


Learner Characteristic of the Month

This month we are focusing on the Learner Characteristic: Respectful of Others. Our morning announcements will be centered on acts of kindness, anti-bullying, and ways to demonstrate respect. The paper umbrellas hung in the glass hallways are starting to fill up with little notes written by students after they witness others demonstrating this characteristic.   Please help us build this characteristic in students by drawing attention to others demonstrating this characteristic on television, in the community, and in your home.


Spring MAP Testing

Spring MAP testing is under way. Please encourage your child to show what they know by taking their time and doing their best!


There is so much going on at Lincoln School in the next few weeks. Please take a moment to read through the list.

  • April 15th - Student Profile Forms.

Once again, parents will have the opportunity to provide teachers with information on their child's learning style and needs. Student Profile forms will be sent home the week of April 15th. Please be on the lookout for this optional form. Forms are due back to school no later than April 29th.

  • April 12th - Talent Night 7:00 p.m.

Please join us this Friday Night for Lincoln's version of America's Got Talent!   Our PTA is working diligently on this very popular event!

  • April 16th - 3rd & 4th Grade PTA Drama Performance 7:00 p.m.

Be sure to get this one on your calendar! Students have been working hard preparing for this special evening of entertainment!

  • April 18th -Open House for Grades 1-5 and 3rd Grade Music Performance 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Our students are very excited to share samples of their school work with you. Please put this date on your calendar!

  • April 19th - 5th Grade Tea

Lincoln's 5th Grade students, teachers, and PTA members are working round the clock to prepare for this special 5th grade event.

  • April 23rd - Optional 5th Grade Springfield Trip Question and Answer meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
  • April 25th - Open House for Kindergarten 6:30 -7:30 p.m.

Kindergarten parents, be sure to stop by on April 25th to meet with your child's teacher and look at the amazing things our Kindergarteners are doing.

  • April 25th - Flip Flop Day

A special spirit day is being planned for April 25th.  Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite pair of flip flops on this day. There is also a special "flip-flop" activity planned for students in grades 1-5 followed by an all school PBIS celebration.  

  • April 29th - 5th Grade Dare Graduation @ 11:00 a.m.
  • April 29th - Fitness Night @ 7:00 p.m.
  • April 29th - Lincoln Pre-Board Meeting Presentation at the Central Services Office 
  • April 29th - Start of Screen Free Week

Wow! It's a busy month!


Take Care,




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