April 10, 2013
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.



The District 41 PTA Council is hosting a Legislative Forum on education issues in Illinois on Monday, April 22 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Hadley Junior High School, 240 Hawthorne Blvd. in Glen Ellyn. Topics for the evening's panel-style, Q&A discussion will include school funding, the impact of the Illinois tax hike expiration on schools, pension funding, the STEAM/STEM approach, school safety and PARCC (The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers).  Panelists will include Sandra Pihos, State Representative, 42nd district; Kirk Dillard, State Senator, 24th district; Peg Agnos, Executive Director of the Legislative Education Network of DuPage County; Bob Ciserella, D41 Superintendent of Finance; and Bill Enright, Professor, College of DuPage. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend this information-packed evening to help keep informed on the issues facing education in our state and how they impact our children.  


Please contact PTA Council members Lisa Lane  or Margaret Immink  for more information. 



Parents and teachers, there is still time to take the Illinois 5Essentials learning conditions survey, as the state has extended the deadline through Friday, April 12. District 41 encourages all parents (or guardians) and teachers to take this online survey; if the response rate is high enough, the district will receive its own results reports. (Administrators, support staff and community members are not eligible to take the 5Essentials survey).  


Please click here to take the survey. The survey must be completed in one sitting and respondents may skip questions they do not wish to answer. Your responses are confidential. Parents who have children in more than one District 41 school should complete a separate survey for each school; those have multiple children in one school should complete the survey once only. Only one parent per household may participate in the survey.   


The 5Essentials survey comes out of 20 years of research into what works in successful schools and measures five essential areas:

* effective leaders

* collaborative teachers

* involved families

* supportive environment

* ambitious instruction

The state's plan is for the results of the surveys to be reported in June for use in school improvement planning and for inclusion in the new Illinois School Report Cards.  


UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago administers the Illinois 5Essentials Survey online on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. The data is managed entirely by UChicago Impact; the district's role in the survey is to inform stakeholders and encourage them to take the survey. Thank you for your participation...your feedback will help District 41 improve. 

Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at jworthen@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies cannot be answered. Thank you!