Leopard Express


50 Years of Opening Minds and Opening Doors


Ignite passion. Inspire excellence. Imagine possibilities.

District 41 Vision


The Leopard Express is an e-news communication that you will receive throughout the year in an effort to more effectively and frequently communicate with you and share valuable information and celebrations about Abraham Lincoln School. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at lschweik@d41.org.




Dear Lincoln families,

I want to let you know that the district has been able to speed up the installation of the buzzer/camera security systems at the schools and our system will be in use starting Monday. Please read through this note as the security changes impact how, where, and when the building is accessible.



During school hours

* Visitors will be admitted to Lincoln during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. through the main office doors only.
* In order to be admitted, visitors will ring the doorbell on the new security system that has been installed on the right side of the main doors.
* Office staff will be able to see and speak to the visitor on the videophone. Visitors will be asked to identify themselves and state purpose of their visit before being buzzed into the vestibule.
* Once inside the vestibule, visitors will then be buzzed into the office where they will sign in and receive a visitor's badge.



Afterschool activities that extend after 4:00p.m. (GECRC, Scouts, etc.)

If your child is attending an activity after school that goes past 4 p.m., the activity leader will bring your child outside to a designated pick-up area when the event is over. Please talk to the activity leader to determine the pick-up location. If you need to pick up your child early, please make arrangements for this with the activity leader.




The Y-program has been moved back to the New Gym. Door 4 will be used for all pick-up and drop-offs. Parents please use the doorbell on the videophone system to signal the YMCA staff that you are at the door. A YMCA staff member will buzz you in after checking the videophone monitor.



Evening Activities-Scouts, DEN, Drama, PTA events, etc.

A custodian will meet the activity sponsor at the main office door at the set-up time listed on their facilities usage request.

Activities held in the New Gym or LLC - Attendees will use the buzzer on the videophone system outside door 4 to notify the activity sponsor of your arrival. Sponsor will then check videophone in New Gym or LLC before buzzing and unlocking door. The activity leader will bring your child outside to a designated pick-up area when the event is over.

Activities held in the Old Gym - Please enter through the Old Gym exterior doors located behind the school. Use doorbell next to door 17 to notify the leader of your arrival. The activity leader will bring your child outside to a designated pick-up area when the event is over.

Activities held in a classroom - Please knock on the exterior classroom door. Sponsor will let attendees into the room. The activity leader will bring your child outside to a designated pick-up area when the event is over.



Large Scale Activities- Major activities such as PTA events

Entrance to the events such as these will be through the front office doors.


We are very happy that we will now have the ability to better monitor and control access to our building. Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new system, and for all you do every day to help keep our school community safe.


As always, if ever you have a security or safety concern, please let me know.


Have a great weekend!













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