March 7, 2013
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Abraham Lincoln fifth-grade teacher Brian Pindar has been selected as the District 41 Educator of the Year. In his 20 years at Lincoln, Mr. Pindar has been an inspiration to his students and his colleagues, and an example for all who aspire to create a lasting positive influence on young people. He will be honored at the Chamber of Commerce Community Awards Breakfast on March 16. 


Mr. Pindar was selected from among a field of outstanding educators who were nominated by their peers within the district. Here are just a few of the things his peers had to say about him:
"Because of his ideas and vision, students are exposed to life learning skills of understanding and compassion for the aged. It is quite a sight to see, and is not taught in any book."
"Mr. Pindar has been an integral member of our district and has earned our respect and admiration."
"He establishes personal relationships with staff, students and parents that last a lifetime."
"Students don't forget him; they are still talking about Mr. Pindar and what he meant to them when they get to Hadley."
"Brian is an energizer in the classroom and the community and a mentor to other teachers."
"Brian is selfless with staff and with kids."
"Brian always puts everyone else first, and recognizes the strengths in everyone."


"There are so many wonderful teachers in the district," said Mr. Pindar. "I am honored to be selected. The greatest honor of all is when your students come back to see you...that really verifies that we are doing is good for kids."


"We are all very proud of Brian," said Superintendent Dr. Ann Riebock, "and I am grateful to have him on our staff. We in District 41 are all delighted to have this chance to share our pride in him with the community."


Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies cannot be answered. Thank you!