March 4, 2013
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.


Community members are invited to attend a forum on the district's Think Tank proposals on Saturday, March 9, 8:30-10:00 a.m. in the Hadley Library Media Center, 240 Hawthorne Blvd. Please see below for details on the Think Tank work.


NOTE: Babysitting will be available at the forum. We regret that we cannot accommodate infants or children who are not toilet trained. If you plan to take advantage of this free service, please email Julie Worthen with the number and ages of the children who will be with you no later than Friday at noon (use "babysitting" as the subject line of your email).

After some 18 months of planning and numerous information sessions with staff and parents, the District 41 Think Tank presented its recommendations for 2013-2014 to the Board of Education (BOE) on Feb. 25. The purpose of the proposals? To create a learning environment that will better prepare students for success in the 21st century. Two key ideas form the basis for the proposals:
1. Provide personalized learning to give each child what they need when they need it
2. Help teachers become more expert in their fields so they can take their students deeper into rigorous Common Core material


Each elementary school tailored its proposal to that school's assessment of its readiness to implement the changes. 


Abraham Lincoln: Grade 2/3: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies. Grade 4/5: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies.


Benjamin Franklin: Grade 2: teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies. Grade 3: teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies for 2 sections only (due to current staffing pattern). Grade 4/5: multiage literacy/social studies with teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies


Churchill: Grade 4/5: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies.


Forest Glen: Grade 2: teacher specialization (based on staffing) teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies. Grade 3: teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies. Grade 4/5: teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies; multiage literacy/social studies.


Math: The proposal for math has changed due to the Common Core and the work of the district math committee. In short, the district will raise the bar for all children because the Common Core is at least a grade level higher than the current standards. The proposal calls for all children to receive accelerated math instruction and lays out specific actions to take to get them there, with particular attention to those who are currently below grade level in math. These plans for math will go forward regardless of the other Think Tank initiatives.


Think Tank recommendations were first presented to the BOE Nov. 26 and further discussed by the BOE on Dec. 10. The final proposals were presented to the BOE on Feb. 25. The BOE expects to take action on the matter at its March 11 meeting.

Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies cannot be answered. Thank you!