With the new Common Core standards, school is getting harder for all of our children. And the demands of the 21st century mean we have to do things differently in order for children to become college and career ready as they progress through school. On Feb. 25, I presented the Lincoln Think Tank recommendations for next year to the Board of Education. The board expects to take action on these proposals at its March 11 meeting.
Here is what our school has proposed for the 2013-2014 school year:
Grade 2/3: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies
Grade 4/5: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies
The goal of the Lincoln proposal is to help us better meet the needs of all of our learners in light of these changes. While there have been many parent sessions held during this process, now that we have put forward our building plan, I'd like to invite Lincoln parents to an informal meeting on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to provide parents with a chance to ask questions and hear the reasoning behind the Lincoln proposal. Many of our grades 2-5 teachers will be in attendance.
Please keep in mind that there will also be a Think Tank community forum hosted by the Board of Education on Saturday, March 9, 8:30 - 10 a.m. at the Hadley Library Media Center.
Please join us from 6:30-8:30pm this coming Wednesday, March 6th at Lincoln School for a conversation about the Lincoln School Think Tank proposal.
ISAT Tests Start This Week for Grades 3-5 Students
We will be administering state-required achievement tests to our grades 3-5 students this coming week. The tests are a part of the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) program, and are being given to all eligible students. This year the ISAT test is incorporating 20% new common core test items in reading and mathematics. The results of the state tests and your child's performance will be reported to you in the fall. We will review state test results along with other information to help us improve our school program.
Grade 3 Students: Tested in Reading and Math
Testing Dates: Tuesday, March 5th -Thursday, March 7th
Grade 4 Students: Tested in Science, Reading and Math.
Testing Dates: Monday, March 4th - Friday, March 8th
Grade 5 Students: Tested in Reading and Math
Testing Dates: Tuesday, March 5th -Thursday, March 7th
You can help your child do his or her best on the test by:
1) making sure, if possible, that your child attends school on the days of testing;
2) making sure your child gets a good night's sleep the night before testing;
3) providing breakfast on the mornings of testing;
4) reminding your child to ask the teacher questions if he or she does not understand the test directions;
5) letting your child know that you have confidence in his or her ability to do his or her best; and
6) advising your child not to worry about the test - just do the best he or she can.
Please call your child's teacher if you want additional information or have further question about these tests.
We look forward to sharing the ISAT results with you this fall.
Hope you are enjoying this long weekend.
Take Care,
Grade 4/5: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies
Grade 2/3: multiage literacy/social studies; teacher specialization in STEAM/math and in literacy/social studies