Bear Essentials
Glen Ellyn School District 41February 27, 2013

Dear Franklin Families:



Please come! Franklin School Think Tank Meeting


On February 25 I presented the Franklin Think Tank recommendations for next year to the Board of Education. The Board expects to take action on these proposals at its March 11 meeting. While there have been many parent sessions held during this process, now that we have put forward our building plan, we'd like to invite parents to an informal meeting to provide a chance for questions and answers specific to our school and to talk with our teachers. The meeting will be held in the Franklin Multi-purpose room from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on Wednesday, March 6.

Please send an email to Cindy Johnson ( with questions that you have about our proposal.


With the new Common Core standards, school is changing for all of our children. And the demands of the 21st century mean we have to do things differently in order for all children to become college and career ready as they progress through school. The goal of the Franklin proposal is to help us better meet the needs of all of our learners in light of these changes.


Here is a summary of what our school has proposed for the 2013-2014 school year:

  • Grades 2 and 3 - Teacher will specialize and instruction will be provided in two main blocks:
    • Literacy/Social Studies
    • STEAM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts and Math)
  • Grades 4/5 - Teacher specialization in two instructional blocks:
    • Literacy/Social Studies with multiage grouping in classrooms
    • STEAM


Please keep in mind that there will also be a Think Tank community forum hosted by the Board of Education on Saturday, March 9, 8:30 - 10 a.m. at the Hadley Library Media Center.


I look forward to seeing you at our parent meeting on March 6th.


Also, I am looking forward to seeing all of our K, 2, and 4 families at Open House tomorrow night!




