Feb. 21, 2013
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.
An invitation to parents from Katie McCluskey


Recently, the District 41 Board of Education approved the introduction of Spanish Foreign Language at Elementary School (FLES) starting next year at first grade. It also approved a limited Dual-Language program to take the place of the Spanish Bilingual program at Churchill. The district is excited to be able to offer these programs to students and is forming committees to develop the curriculum and address implementation processes and procedures. In addition to teachers, parent perspectives will be very important in this work.   


We are looking for a few parents who have a sincere interest in foreign language instruction and who enjoy working as part of a collaborative, high-energy committee; no special qualifications are required.

To apply (or if you have questions), please email District 41 ELL/Bilingual Director Katie McCluskey at kmccluskey@d41.org with the following information by Feb. 25:


* Your name
* Your child's school
* The committee you are interested in (FLES or Dual Language)
* A brief statement telling why you would like to be on the committee and affirming that you will commit to attending all the meetings to the best of your ability
* Your telephone number


Meetings will be from 4-6 p.m. and have been scheduled as follows (additional meetings will be scheduled as needed):
-FLES Committee: Feb. 27, March 11, 13, and April 3, 10, 24
-Dual Language Committee: March 4 and March 18

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The PTA council invites you to meet the candidates prior to the April election.  During the next several months our district will make decisions on some of the biggest issues and opportunities that have come along in years. At the same time, we are beginning a transition to new leadership in the superintendent position as Dr. Ann Riebock retires. This is your chance to get insight into the board of education that will lead us into the future. The meeting will be held on Thursday March 14, 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Hadley library. The candidates include Drew Ellis, Dean Elger, Joe Bochenski and Patrick Escalante. The format is Q&A. If you have questions, please contact Lisa Lane, PTA Council Parent Education/Legislative Co-Chair, at (630) 664-3806.



The Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Centers' 5th Annual Spellapalooza fundraiser is Friday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Glen Ellyn Police Chief Philip Norton will return to emcee an old-fashioned spelling bee that pits local teams and organizations against each other on the stage at the Glenbard West High School auditorium. Judging the event will be Dr. Pam Zimmerman, former Principal of Glenbard West; Dr. Ann Riebock, Superintendent of District 41 Schools; Dave Larson, Superintendent of District 87 and Mark Pfefferman, the Glen Ellyn Village President. This annual event raises money to support the Children's Resource Center. The mission of the Resource Center is to provide literacy and life skills to low-income households in Glen Ellyn. GECRC provides tutoring in all academic subjects, with an emphasis on educating students for whom English is a second language. Tickets are $5 in advance at these downtown Glen Ellyn businesses: The Book Store, Renaissance Art Studio and 10,000 Villages.



Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at jworthen@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email. Thank you!