Dear Franklin Families:
It was great to see so many of you at the Mardi Gras PTA Fundraiser last weekend. Thanks to PTA for putting on such a fun event for our parents! Thanks also to all of the room helpers who helped us to celebrate Valentines Day today. Everyone had a great time!
New Security System
I want to let you know that the district has been able to speed up the installation of the buzzer/camera security systems at the schools and our system will be up and running on Tuesday when we return from the weekend. Here are the changes you will see:
* Visitors will be admitted to Franklin only during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No visitors will be admitted outside these times, except for PTA events, YMCA program, etc.
* In order to be admitted, visitors will use the new videophone system that has been installed adjacent to the front door outside the main office door #1. Office staff will be able to see them and determine their identity and purpose of their visit before buzzing them into the vestibule. YMCA program staff also have a station in the MPR to view and admit parents for pickup.
* Once inside the vestibule, visitors will be buzzed into the office where they will sign in and receive a visitor's badge.
* If your child is attending an activity that goes past 4 p.m., the activity leader will bring your child to you outside. If you need to pick up your child early, you will need to make arrangements with the activity leader.
We are doing our best to make sure that parents are not surprised by these new procedures when they arrive at school; in addition to this ENEWS, I will be sending an automated voice message to our parent community, and I've asked the PTA for its help in communicating these changes. We'll also have informational signage by the front door.
We are very happy that we will now have the ability to better monitor and control access to our building. I'd like to thank our Board of Education and the Building and Grounds Department of the district for supporting these improvements. Thank you for your patience as we transition to this new system, and for all you do every day to help keep our school community safe.
As always, if ever you have a security or safety concern, please let me know.
Safety Request
If you drop off your students in the back of the school property, please avoid pulling into the dead end section of Turner to drop off, and then backing up to exit. There are many students approaching our back property at this time, and this is not a safe area to back up. Thanks for your help with keeping everyone safe.
PACK Program
As part of our Fit, Healthy, and Ready to Learn Collaborative Nutrition Unit, Franklin students and families are being asked to participate in the P.A.C.K. (Pack (or buy!)Assorted Colors for Kids) program the week of February 18. P.A.C.K. is all about packing more colorful fruits and vegetables into children's diets. If you pack a snack or lunch for your child, pack a fruit or vegetable based on the color of the day. The colors are coordinated with the Hot Lunch program, so if your children are buying lunch, encourage them to choose a fruit or vegetable that matches the color of the day. The days, colors, and fruit and vegetable suggestions are listed below.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
February 18 |
February 19 |
February 20 |
February 21 |
February 22 |
No School |
Pack Red Day |
Pack Yellow Day |
Pack Orange Day |
Pack Green Day |
Day |
Cherries, cranberries, red apples, red grapes, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, beets, kidney beans, red peppers, tomatoes, radicchio |
Yellow apples, bananas, pineapples, corn, yellow pepper |
Apricots, cantaloupe, nectarines, oranges, peaches, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, orange pepper |
Avocado, green apple, green grapes, honeydew, kiwi, arugula, asparagus, broccoli, celery, cucumbers, green beans, green pepper, lettuce, spinach, snow peas, zucchini |
We hope that the students will be trying some new fruits and vegetables this week! If you have any questions, please call Karen Pfaff RN at 630-534-7692.
Thanks for your support of this fun activity.
Karen Pfaff, Debbie Rausch, Susan Cekay, Brianne Gidcumb, Amy Wagner and Gay Murray
Vote for the Franklin School EAB Project!
Students in 4th grade conducted a problem based learning unit on the Emerald Ash Borer this Fall. Mrs. Rodriguez submitted an application for a grant that will benefit our staff and students, and part of the selection process is to have our school community log in and vote for their project to win. To view their video and vote, go to
You can vote once a day!
Thanks to our 4th grade students and Mrs. Rodreiguez for this great effort and thanks for your votes!