Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities. |
NEW THINK TANK INFO POSTED There are several new pieces of information posted on the Think Tank Web site: the results of the staff survey; overviews of the site visits to Champaign, IL, Spartanburg, SC and Waukesha, WI; and a compilation of the conferences and workshops attended by Think Tank members.
The staff survey was designed provide information on staff readiness for change. Questions 1-9 focus mainly on the philosophy and concepts of the Think Tank; questions 10-20 address the specific proposals; and questions 21-33 address readiness for change. The results are posted by building, with a building aggregate followed by disaggregated reports: k or 1, 2 or 3, 4 or 5, and no grade (for specialists etc). After the building reports, the district-wide aggregation is posted.
The Think Tank will present its proposals to the Board of Education (BOE) on Feb. 25; with action expected to be on the agenda for March 11. These proposals may look different for each school. Between those two dates, the elementary principals will host informal parent meetings to talk in more detail about the plan for their building and to provide time for questions. Interested parents should watch for more information on those meetings from their principal.
COGATS GO HOME FRIDAY FOR FIFTH GRADERS If you have a fifth grader, please check your child's backpack on Friday for the results of their Cognitive Ability Test, or CogAT, which measures both general and specific reasoning abilities.
School dismisses at noon on Friday for a School Improvement Day (children in half-day programs do not attend school on SIP Days). Teachers spend this time working on plans related to their school's improvement plan. They submit their plan for using this time in advance to the principal. There is no school on Monday, Feb. 18 in observation of Presidents' Day. Click here for the district calendar. |
Come and join the fun at Musical Mayhem on Friday Feb. 15 from 6:00-9:00 p.m.! Enjoy a cakewalk, grab a bite, watch great lip sync acts, and buy some raffle tickets! New This Year! Win an electric Ibanez Guitar autographed by Grammy Award Winning Guitarist Steve Vai! You can purchase raffle tickets at the Flour + Wine restaurant, located in downtown Glen Ellyn on the corner of Main and Duane streets. Check out Steve Vai signing the guitar on the flour + wine website. In addition to the guitar, there are over 70 prizes including: School of Rock sessions, an iPad mini, Chicago Cub's tickets, tickets to the Chicago wolves, a one night stay at the Crowne Plaza and Embassy Suites, Health Track membership, AliKat gift cards, and more! Please support the Music Education Foundation by attending Musical Mayhem and buying raffle tickets. To make any additional donations for the raffle, please call Jennifer Porter at: (630) 790-9016.
Pictured: Steve Vai playing an electric Ibanez guitar. |