Feb. 11, 2013
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.



This year, all Illinois public school districts are required to conduct the Illinois 5Essentials learning conditions survey sometime during February and March. District 41 encourages all parents (or guardians) to take this online survey; if there is a 30% response rate or better among parents, the district will receive a report on its parent results. Others who will be asked to take the survey are certified teachers in grades prekindergarten and up, and Hadley students, who will be provided time during the school day in mid-March to take the survey. (Administrators, support staff, students under grade 6 and community members are not eligible to take the 5Essentials survey 


Please click here for the parent survey, which takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey must be completed in one sitting and respondents may skip questions they do not wish to answer. Your responses are confidential. If you have children in more than one District 41 school, please complete a separate survey for each school; if you have multiple children in one school, you will complete the survey once only. Only one parent per household may participate in the survey.  



You may preview the survey questions online: the student survey asks questions about students' experiences, attitudes and activities in school. The teacher survey asks questions about a variety of topics, including instruction, professional development and the school as a workplace. The parent survey asks questions about the parent's overall relationship with the school. 



The 5Essentials survey comes out of 20 years of research into what works in successful schools and measures five essential areas:

* effective leaders

* collaborative teachers

* involved families

* supportive environment

* ambitious instruction

The state's plan is for the results of the surveys to be reported in June for use in school improvement planning and for inclusion in the new Illinois School Report Cards.



UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago will administer the Illinois 5Essentials Survey online on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. The data is managed entirely by UChicago Impact; the district's role in the survey is to inform and encourage. Thank you for your participation...your feedback will help District 41 improve. 

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Come and join the fun at Musical Mayhem on Friday Feb. 15 from 6:00-9:00 p.m.! Enjoy a cakewalk, grab a bite, watch great lip sync acts, and buy some raffle tickets! New This Year! Win an electric Ibanez Guitar autographed by Grammy Award Winning Guitarist Steve Vai! You can purchase raffle tickets at the Flour + Wine restaurant, located in downtown Glen Ellyn on the corner of Main and Duane streets. Check out Steve Vai signing the guitar on the flour + wine website. In addition to the guitar, there are over 70 prizes including: School of Rock sessions, an iPad mini, Chicago Cub's tickets, tickets to the Chicago wolves, a one night stay at the Crowne Plaza and Embassy Suites, Health Track membership, AliKat gift cards, and more! Please support the Music Education Foundation by attending Musical Mayhem and buying raffle tickets. To make any additional donations for the raffle, please call Jennifer Porter at: (630) 790-9016.


Pictured: Steve Vai playing an electric Ibanez guitar.

Please direct your questions or comments to District 41 Director of Communications and Grants Julie Worthen at jworthen@d41.org. We ask that you do not reply directly to this email. Thank you!