Wolf Notes
Glen Ellyn School District 41
January 11, 2013
Dear Parents,


It has been a busy first week back following winter break. I wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone on a few items that I felt needed to be highlighted.




Bulletin Board Update


I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my "Where Will You Go to College?" bulletin board request in my last Wolf Notes.   As a school, we are trying to help students realize the importance of attending college or trade school once they have completed high school. We would like to create a display that represents all of the colleges attended by the staff and parents of the Churchill community. Our hope is to display the names and logos of all of the schools so that students can see the wide range of possibilities that exist for them in the future.



If you would be willing to share your alma mater's information and major with me, I will be certain to get it added to the display during the month of January. I was reminded by a few people that we may have members of our community who did not attend a university, but rather attended a trade school. This is an excellent point that I overlooked in my communication last month. I would appreciate hearing from these people as well.



Wolf Packs


On Friday morning, we met in our Wolf Packs to discuss the district Learner Characteristic of:


Challenge Seeking - I can look for tricky problems and figure out how to solve them



We spent the first part of our 30 minutes together, talking about the winter break goals we set in December. The students gave honest reflection on how they did in keeping their winter break goals. We then followed that conversation by discussing how we can continue to challenge ourselves in school and at home. Our time together concluded with an all school PBIS assembly in the gym where we recognized students by individual class for their positive behavior choices in the past few weeks.


I hope that you have the opportunity to take some time this weekend to ask your child about their Wolf Pack experience on Friday. We plan to meet again on February 7.


D.A.R.E. Graduation


On Friday afternoon, our 5th grade students completed their final step in the 11 week D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program led by the Glen Ellyn Police Department. Under the guidance of Officer Steven Miko, the students have been learning about the dangers of abusing drugs and alcohol as well as avoiding violence in their lives. Each student in the program wrote an essay about what they learned from the program and received a diploma during the ceremony.




Board of Education Meeting


Churchill will be hosting the next Board of Education meeting this Monday, January 14 at 7:30 in the library. I will be making a short presentation to the Board that evening to update them on our progress in year one of the Wolf Pack initiative. Information on the meeting can be found at this link.




Influenza Season


We received this document earlier in the week from the DuPage County Health Department in regards to the flu season. I wanted to make sure that I passed it along to the Churchill community.




Have a wonderful weekend!



Scott Klespitz