Leopard Express


50 Years of Opening Minds and Opening Doors


Ignite passion. Inspire excellence. Imagine possibilities.

District 41 Vision


The Leopard Express is an e-news communication that you will receive throughout the year in an effort to more effectively and frequently communicate with you and share valuable information and celebrations about Abraham Lincoln School. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at lschweik@d41.org.



Greetings Lincoln Families! 

I wanted to give everyone a quick heads up on some changes that apply to students entering and exiting the school through Door 4 and our before and after school programs. Also this email contains a link to the PE newsletter and a reminder about Hot Lunch.


Door 4

Door 4 is an exterior door near the first, second, and some third grade classrooms.  Over the past few years, students and parents have used this door as a pass through to get to either the front or back of the building.  Starting Monday, students and parents will no longer be able to use Door 4 for this purpose.   

This mainly impacts our 2nd and 3rd grade students as their classrooms have exterior and interior doors and are located near this entrance.  Students that normally enter the school at Door 4 will continue to do so however once inside they will walk through the halls and enter their classroom through their classroom's interior door.   Currently many students enter at Door 4, then exit and walk to their classroom's exterior door. 

After school students that exit through Door 4 may still do so however they will leave through their classroom's interior door and walk through the hallway to Door 4.  Currently many students exit through the classroom door leading to the back of the school and then enter the building again in the hallway near Door 4.  Students in portable 1 and 2 will continue to access their classrooms using the driveway on the backside of the school.  We will be working with students as they learn this new procedure and would appreciate your support throughout this process. 

As a reminder, parents and guardians must enter the school through the front office only.    

YMCA Program

Starting Monday, the Y program has been relocated to the Old Gym.  Parents will be able to enter and exit through the front office from 8:00 until 4:00.  Before 8:00am and after 4:00pm, pick up and drop off will be through door 17 (exterior doors to the old gym located in the back of the school). A doorbell at this door has been installed and will be used to signal a YMCA staff member to open the door for parents and students.  Parents may use the driveway behind the school before 8am and after 4:00pm to drop off or pick up students.   

GECRC Program

Starting Monday, the GECRC will use the New Gym for indoor activities.  GECRC volunteers arriving before 4:00 will enter through the front office.   Volunteers arriving after 4:00pm will ring the newly installed doorbell at Door 4. The bell rings in the LLC and will signal a GECRC staff member to report to Door 4.  Parents that need to pick up their children early from GECRC will also use the doorbell at Door 4 to signal GECRC staff.  Each evening at 5:30pm, students attending GECRC will gather their things and staff will walk the children outside through Door 4 to meet their parents. 

If You Had Fun You Won! - PE Newsletter

Click on the link below to read this trimester's edition of our Physical Education newsletter.  This newsletter includes information on changes in the PE program, a list of activities taught, and things to practice at home. 



Important Hot Lunch News

Every morning at 9 a.m., teachers take attendance and submit the number of hot lunch orders for the day.  The total school lunch count must then submitted to our lunch vendor no later than 9:30 a.m. 

For this reason, it is important that you to contact the office by 9:20 a.m. if your child will be tardy and needs to purchase a lunch.  This will allow us to include your child's lunch in our daily count for the vendor.  If your child arrives after our lunch count has been reported and we have not been notified that a lunch is needed, your child will need to bring a lunch from home or a lunch can be dropped off prior to lunchtime.  Thank you for your cooperation. 

Enjoy your weekend! 





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