Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities. |
FOUR CANDIDATES FOR FOUR OPEN BOE SEATS Board of Education (BOE) members are unpaid volunteers who are elected to represent the district at large. The BOE is composed of seven members, who serve in staggered terms. The terms of BOE members Erica Nelson, Sam Black and John Kenwood continue through April, 2015.
The terms of Drew Ellis, Terra Costa Howard, Dan Smith Jr. and Steve Vondrak will expire in April, 2013. Four candidates have filed for the four-year seats up for election on April 9. The candidates are listed here in ballot order: Dean Elger, 205 N. Main St., Glen Ellyn, IL; Drew Ellis (incumbent), 2019 Glencoe, Wheaton, IL; Joseph Bochenski, 76 N. Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL; and Patrick Escalante, 181 Grandview, Glen Ellyn, IL. |

SUBSCRIBE TO THE VILLAGE OF GLEN ELLYN'S E-NEWS The Village of Glen Ellyn's weekly email updates offer a convenient way for you to stay up to date on what is going on in your community. It's easy to subscribe to E-News, just visit www.glenellyn.org and click the "Subscribe to the E-Newsletter" tab at the bottom of the home page. Receive important information quickly, learn about improvements in the Village and read more about community events. |