Butler County United Way 
Live United - United Way

A Letter from our President

Summer is fast approaching.  Summer means golf, swimming, picnics, gardening, and fresh vegetables from our garden in Indiana.  My husband enjoys spending his time there while I am working.  It also means lots of work for me since I can and freeze our fresh vegetables.  There is nothing better in the dead of winter than the taste of sweet corn frozen and stored from the summer.


Summer also means we start gearing up for our Fall Campaign.  Mitchell Willis is working hard with the Campaign Cabinet lead by John Venturella a partner with Clark Schaefer Hackett.  Also, we are pleased to announce Lee Geiger of Graydon Head has accepted the Vice Chair Position.  He will be our Campaign Chair in 2015-16.


We just finished the allocations process and a big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who reviewed and made recommendations for funding.  Also Krystal Tipton deserves recognition for jumping in and taking on this new role.  She worked tirelessly documenting and providing information to the Action Councils.  We have some plans for automating and improving our processes as we move forward.


I had the privilege of attending the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Boys and Girls Club of West Chester/Liberty Township on May 15th.  Patti Alderson Chairman and founder of the West Chester Liberty Community Foundation had a dream for many years to establish a club in West Chester.  Patti is a tireless worker and dedicated to improving the lives of children in our community. We look forward to the club becoming a partner agency in the future.
Please join me in congratulating Patti Alderson as her dream became reality with lots of help from the community.


As I reflect on the last seven months I think about how many people have helped bring me up the learning curve and have been good mentors, sounding boards and provided help to our team at Butler County United Way.   Our core values are caring, collaboration and trust.  There are so many who have been there for us but I want to especially recognize our other United Way partners in the region.    I can't thank the group at United Way Greater Cincinnati for all their help so far. They are Rob Reifsnyder, Ross Meyers, Charles Wright, Yvonne Washington, Chris Martin, Amy Roberts, Kathy Buckley and Terry Sherrer (Middletown Area).  Dayton Area United Way's President and CEO Tom Malbty has given Melissa Bruck some time to help train us on our CRM system Andar along with Malonya ......  Arron Reid from Warren County United Way was the first to reach out to me and we continue to meet on a regular basis.  Last but not least is Brian Revalee Exective Director for the Oxford and Vicinity United Way.  We attended the New President's Conference in Fairfax Virginia and he has spent time researching our Butler County Coalition for 211 in conjunction with Greater Cincinnati United Way.  So when I think of all these folks it makes me realize that we do practice "Living United".  Thanks to all for past and future help.  I know you are just a phone call away and intend to return the kindness.


As you are making plans for all you favorite activities, remember we have neighbors and friends who aren't as blessed as some of us.  There are children that need safe places to go, people who need shelter from the hot humid summer, people who need more training to find a job and become self sufficient.  Your donations to Butler County United Way go to programs that help those neighbors and friends.   Thanks to all the donors and volunteers who support Butler County United Way.



Golf United Classic

Join us on the Greens!

Butler County United Way's                     6th Annual Golf Outing

Friday, August 8, 2014

For more information please contact Mitchell Willis @ (513) 863-0800 or [email protected]


Liberty Mutual and the Give with Liberty Campaign was a huge success Countywide. Several agencies benefited from Teams of Volunteers who conducted all sorts of projects. We at Butler County United Way had a team clean out and organize our basement. We were able salvage as well as donate to other agencies office equipment.

HUGE Gratitude to Butler Tech for another successful 5K! Pictured below is Mr. A W Miller, our oldest walker at 91 years of age. Truly an inspiration to us all!!! Congratulations to all who participated.


July 18 -19 -20
            Buy anything at either location during these three days, present this certificate and 20% of your purchase will benefit Butler County United Way. 
Visit our website and download and print a coupon as well. Press here!

Join us for our Sixth Annual Trip to Chicago
  Windy City Bus Trip

(pictured above WLC Co-Chair Jessi Hill and Kathy Carmack)

Several Volunteers from our Women's Leadership Council supported the Mother's and their Children from the Every Child Succeeds Program making crafts and assembling Gift Bags for Mother's Day!

For more information about these networking/volunteer opportunities and/or to RSVP contact Mitchell Willis @ (513)863-0800 or


Lakota Local Schools                                   New Miami School District

Ross Local School District                            Stephen  T. Badin High School


Butler County United Way is looking for Volunteers to support our
day to day business operations.
For more information, please contact Krystal Tipton @ (513) 863-0800 or 

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