Butler County United Way 
Live United - United Way

A Letter from our President


I was sitting on my deck this past Saturday enjoying the beautiful weather.  I spent the weekend as did many of you cleaning up the garden, planting flowers and putting down mulch.   I know you are really supposed to wait until after Mother's Day but it was just too beautiful to resist digging in the dirt.  Gardening has such a calming effect and I love to see things grow. 

Spring is a time for renewal and new growth.  We just had our Volunteer Awards and Loyal Contributor Recognition Breakfast on April 11th the last day of Volunteer Week.   Thanks to Mitchell Willis for organizing this event as it was a job well done again this year.   We recognized many volunteers who have given so much to Butler County United Way this year.  All of the award winners are listed HERE.  Please take the time to read the description of the awards and our 2013-14 Awardees.  


Our Self Sufficiency and Youth Action Council's are working hard reviewing the Request for Proposals from our partner agencies.  They have spent many hours reviewing how these programs have impacted both children and adults throughout our community. They will make their recommendations and we will announce those awards at the end of May.  Thanks to Krystal Tipton who took over the responsibilities of Community Impact and is doing a great job.  


Now is the time of year where there is a lull between the allocation process and ramping up campaign again for 2014-2015. The team at Butler County United Way is working hard to improve efficiencies in our operations and looking for new opportunities to increase campaign giving.  Please stay tuned to our Website, Facebook page and monthly eNewsletter as we continue to provide information about how Butler County United Way, our volunteers and our donors are making a difference everyday as they LIVE UNITED. 





Miami University Students, Faculty and Staff                                           headed up a Day of Caring project in support                                          of the Boys & Girls Club of Hamilton!


Join Butler Tech + Butler County United Way for the
Fourth Annual 5K Run + Walk

For more information or to Register Click Here

Each month, partner programs of 
Butler County United Way are in the
spotlight. It is this work that brings 
change to our community.
For May, the FOCUS is on the work of S.E.L.F.           

S.E.L.F. Helps                                                                                                                                                                        by Jim Reddy

Sometimes, it seems all of those things that you were told could be attained through dedicated hard work appear just outside your means. Perhaps you dream of starting your own business but the required capital is just outside your grasp. Completing your education is impossible when you are living paycheck to paycheck. The thought of home ownership can seem like nothing more than a whim. What if you could get a lift? What if someone would invest in you?


Supports to Encourage Low Income Families (SELF) keep the American Dream alive through a program supported by the United Way that does just that. "We offer many services that support working families, but the I.D.A. program is pretty special" says Beth Race, Community Relations Director.  She went on to explain how the program works and share a story of true success.

Qualifying individuals fall into that area where many working people are or have been. Their income exceeds the threshold for public assistance as it is traditionally viewed but leaves very little for investing in the future. The Individual Development Account (IDA) can be a tool some of these candidates can use. The program matches savings two to one when they are earmarked for a home purchase, post-secondary education, or capitalization of a business.


There are 24 current participants supported by SELF which boasts success with 10 educations, 13 homes, and 18 businesses since 2007. Overall, 47 participants have benefitted. According to the National Corporation for Enterprise Development, it is estimated that each dollar invested in IDA programs return five dollars to the national economy.

Beth added a success story that encapsulates the impact of this program:

 Hamilton resident Tracey has been through four of SELF's self-sufficiency programs.   She is a hard-working single parent of three.  Tracey came to SELF to enroll in our jobs program; she knew about SELF because she had worked for the Liz Claiborne Warehouse and served on the local committee which voted on local grants and SELF was a grant recipient


When Tracey came to SELF she was newly separated, living in a home without electricity and she suffered a series of medical conditions and setbacks.  She enrolled in our employment program, worked hard and found employment.  But that was not enough for her; Tracey continued on and enrolled in SELF's Getting Ahead program to continue to improve her situation.  Getting Ahead is an 18 week curriculum that assists individuals living in poverty to evaluate their lives and to develop the life skills necessary to survive and flourish. Participants learn new mental models that help them navigate the hidden rules of class and they work on developing a plan for prosperity to break the cycle of poverty.

Tracey is working to affecting change in her community and she serves on SELF's Client Advisory Committee.  She attended our predatory lending event to learn more about what is happening in the community and even spoke to a representative from Senator Rob Portman's office about what she has learned from SELF's programs-both after working an all night  shift.

Now Tracey is now enrolled in the IDA program that teaches clients how to save and helps them set a savings goal toward an asset that will help stabilize their financial situation. Tracey is saving to buy a home and she will buy a house by the end of the year.  Due to special funding she is eligible for a 4:1 match, so she'll have $5,000 for a down payment!

When Tracey was asked to share her success story, she told us "I'm not a success story yet; I have more work to do."  We know she'll be successful in this and anything else she puts her mind too-no matter the barriers that may come her way-and we can't wait to be invited to her house warming!

Further information on this and other programs offered by SELF can be found at:









Join us for our Sixth Annual Trip to Chicago
  Windy City Bus Trip
Friday, May 9th from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. @ Educational Services Center
For more information about these networking/volunteer opportunities and/or to RSVP contact Mitchell Willis @ (513)863-0800 or


Lakota Local Schools                                   New Miami School District

Ross Local School District                            Stephen  T. Badin High School


Butler County United Way is looking for Volunteers to support our
day to day business operations.
For more information, please contact Krystal Tipton @ (513) 863-0800 or 

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