Butler County United Way 
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A Letter from our President

Carl Bard was a Scottish theologian who lived from 1907-1978. 


"Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending."

    -- Carl Bard


I often think about whether I should make resolutions and then don't because I don't follow through. But, this is what Carl Bard is saying we can't change the past but we do have control over the future and what it holds for us.  Every year I make a resolution that I will lose weight and get more exercise (sometime I succeed but recently I haven't).  But maybe this year is different (I hope).


Butler County United Way is an organization no different than us as individuals.   We set out with goals and objectives and hope we will achieve a brand new ending.  But if we continue to do the same thing over and over we will never change the outcome.   


We have been working with Carla Messer of BestWork reviewing our team dynamics.  It is imperative we come together as one team with the same vision, direction and goals.  We have completed a SWOT analysis and have discovered we have a lot of strengths but also some weaknesses and opportunities.One common theme is we throw out a lot of great ideas as a group but we need to be better with our follow through.


So, we are trying to change the direction of Butler County United Way and with that change and improve our team and processes. We need to do a better job reporting our agencies impact and in turn utilize this to increase our resources.  We have a great opportunity in our county.   There are many generous people and organizations that give both money and time and we are very grateful.  We need to do a better job communicating to the entire community so we can grow our resources to help our communities improve one person at a time.


Have you have made your personal resolutions to start the New Year?  Will one of those be helping Butler County United Way have a brand new ending?  We cannot do the work without resources and believe me there is much work to do.  I wish all of you a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year.




Each month, partner programs of 
Butler County United Way are in the
spotlight. It is this work that brings 
change to our community.
For January, we are simply providing a note from Tina Osso,             Executive Director for Shared Harvest Food Bank.                              

Right here in Southwest Ohio, nearly one in four children face hunger... not only at holiday time.  Meanwhile, as a nation, we waste 80 billion pounds of food each year.  This waste happens innocently enough.  It's boxes and cans of food approaching the best-by date, tubs of frozen fruits or vegetables that distributors don't think any charity could take, or seasonal and promotional items tossed once the event is over.  We can divert this food to families who need it, but we need your help.


You can help us to rescue at least some of this wholesome food and get it to families in crisis... all year long through your gift to the Butler County United Way: every dollar you give provides eight meals to people in need through the foodbank.  That's the amazing power you have when you give  - the power to change lives, prevent family crisis and provide a little hope - all with a few simple bags of food your donation can provide.  It's hard to imagine how your gift could work any harder, stretch any farther or do more good.  Together we can make sure no one goes hungry in the greatest food producing nation on earth.


Tina Osso


Butler County United Way is looking for Volunteers to support our
day to day business operations.
For more information, please contact Krystal Tipton @ (513) 863-0800 or 



Volunteer Recognition and Awards Breakfast / Day of Caring-Spring 2014 Friday, April 11th, 2014 from 7:30AM-9:00AM Location TBD


Lakota Local Schools                                   New Miami School District

Ross Local School District                            Stephen  T. Badin High School

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