Butler County
United Way

Live United - United Way

Give Today Change Tomorrow 

For those of you who engage with the Butler County United Way primarily around our campaign, it may seem as though we are entering a time of the year that allows us a brief respite. The public part of our successful 2013 campaign is over, and although the Campaign Cabinet is meeting regularly, our Pacesetter campaigns won't begin running until July and the formal Campaign Kickoff won't occur until August 30. But you would be mistaken to believe that it's time for us to relax.

Although raising money is among the things we do - and is key to our continuing success, our real work focuses on investing that money with our community partners to achieve sustained improvement for children and families in Butler County. And this is the time of year for much of the behind-the-scenes-work that makes that possible.

Agencies are putting final touches on their proposals, which are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 14. Each proposal will then be reviewed by one of our two Action Councils, depending on the program's intended outcomes, and the Action Councils will make funding recommendations to the Impact Council, which will, in turn, make final recommendations to me by early May. Agencies will be notified no later than May 17 about the allocation(s), if any, for their programs. Funding allocations will be available for program operations beginning July 1.   

We greatly appreciate the work that so many people put into this process, which we feel provides a fair and accountable outcome. From the agency staff who craft proposals to demonstrate the quality and effectiveness of their programs, to the Action Council volunteers who have created the RFPs and then put in countless hours to evaluate each submitted proposal and make recommendations on funding, to the Impact Council volunteers who approve awards that will best achieve our outcomes, everyone contributes with the dedication need to ensure the integrity of the process and the strength of the programming. The combined efforts of so many are made so we can assure the donor of each dollar that we have done the very best job we can to respect their contribution, their faith in our commitment to being excellent stewards of their investment in the community.

Thank you for all you do to help us improve the communities in which we live.    


* * * * * *

Please mark your calendar for the morning of Friday, April 26. At 7:30 that morning, at the Fairfield Community Arts Center, we will celebrate our work and our volunteers with a Breakfast, followed by our Spring Day of Caring. Plan now to assemble a work team from among your coworkers to get dirty and sweaty doing great things for our communities. Contact Mitchell Willis for details - 513-863-0800.







A reception honoring the Leadership Donors of Butler County United Way was held on February 5 at the Ronald Reagan Lodge in West Chester.  Donors whose generous contributions strengthen the impact of BCUW in our community were in attendance at the event sponsored by Clark Shaefer Hackett.


Kendall Wright Kendall Wright provided an  address recognizing the "ROI- Return on Inspiration" made     possible by Leadership Donors, 
individuals in our community who come together to make incredible things happen with their annual leadership gift to United Way.

At Your Service Catering Leadership Event The event, complete with fine offerings from Lisa Lizzio of  At Your Service Catering, was an enjoyable evening and our way of saying a special thank you to our Leadership Donors. 

Clark Schaefer Hackett  







For many people, philanthropic giving is a lifelong commitment that provides both personal satisfaction and financial benefits.


Through the Butler County United Way Planned Giving Program, you can give a general endowment gift that benefits you and your family, while ensuring vital health and human service programs are available for generations to come.


To learn more, contact Mitchell Willis, Director of Resource Development at  [email protected]  or 513-863-0800.


WI Women's Leadership

Volunteer & Networking Opportunities

We would love for you to join us for a time of serving our local youth while also networking with other women in our community.

Volunteer with us on the following dates, times, and locations to make a difference and make connections:



*Boys & Girls Club: Wednesday, April 17th | 5:30pm-7:15pm


*Shared Harvest: Wednesday, May 15th | 12:00pm-3:00pm


*Living Water: Wednesday, July 10th









Friday, April 26th  

Fairfield Community Arts Center

411 Wessel Drive

Fairfield, OH 45014

7:30-9:00AM Awards Breakfast

9:30AM Day of Caring Projects  



RFP / Request for Proposal
Deadline for RFP's to be considered for our next funding cycle are 5:00PM March 14, 2013

For more information please visit our website: www.bc-unitedway.org

Visit Our Website...
Take a few minutes and browse our website.
Learn more about who we are, what we do, and what you can do to help. Visit www.bc-unitedway.org to get started!

...And Watch Our Video!
Watch Our Video

While you're combing through our new site, take a few minutes to watch our campaign video on the home page. Be sure to share it with everyone you know!








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