Butler County
United Way

Live United - United Way

Give Today Change Tomorrow 


Ice Fest Sled Race Award 

Our Community.

Our United Way.


I'm sure you have heard it said that a house is not a home. Well, the truth is that a group of houses does not a community make either. It takes things like engagement, shared pride and a sense of community to create a community.


I was proud, recently, to participate in an event that helps to create community in our town - IceFest 2013!


A couple of weekends ago, my wife and I joined thousands of our friends and neighbors in downtown Hamilton to see artists with chainsaws fashion wonderful sculptures from mere blocks of ice. We visited local merchants, bought art in a terrific ArtFest organized by Sherry Armstead in the Government Services Center. And, importantly, we cheered a team of Butler County United Way volunteers on to victory in the most incredible sled race ever held! Well, perhaps I exaggerate just a tiny bit. But it was undoubtedly the most impressive sled race held in Hamilton since the last IceFest, two years ago. Now, if we could only figure out something to do with our sled until the next race...


Congratulations and Thank You to Jennifer Achterman (Center for Family Solutions), Robin Dennis (Clark Schaefer Hackett), Tina Wildey (Edoc Services), Pam Gruber (Fitton Center) and her husband Zach, Scott Osterfeld (BCDDD), Lee Geiger (Graydon Head), Jeff Boyle (Coldwell Banker West Shell), Jon Yslas (Ft. Hamilton Hospital) and Dave Yaeger (Wells Fargo Mortgage) for making our first entry a successful venture. And a special thanks to Mitchell Willis for taking on this project and recruiting the right team to succeed.

Ice Fest Sled Team 

Having the right hardware helps too, and so I would also like to express our appreciation to First Financial Bank for bequeathing their sled to us - we are proud to keep the winning tradition going.


And, finally, we appreciate the work of a tireless IceFest Committee headed by Councilman Tim Naab, and the Sled Race Team, headed by Linda Martin of the Great Miami Valley YMCA, as well as our worthy competitors from the Central and Fitton Family Ys, the City of Hamilton, the City Morgue and the Hamilton Fire Department.


In the same community spirit as IceFest, we invite you to mark your calendars now for our Annual Volunteer Recognition Breakfast and Spring Day of Caring on Friday, April 26, 2013. We hope to make this our biggest Day of Caring yet, with tons of volunteer opportunities for corporate teams.

It really is things like IceFest and the Day of Caring that help to make our community as wonderful as it is.


Whether it is these activities that appeal to you, or others, I hope you will take advantage of the wonderful spirit of community we have here in Butler County, and become involved in something greater than yourself. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities, know that you can always visit our website at www.bc-unitedway.org to connect with agencies looking for your time and talent. LIVE UNITED




Volunteer Connection

Connects the Dots!


Butler County United Way knows how important the time and talents of volunteers are to service organizations throughout our community. Volunteer Connections is our 'connect the dots' free resource that allows any non-profit group to share a description of their services and needs with willing volunteers who can search the site for ways that they can help!


If you are a service organization that would like to have a listing on Volunteer Connections, please contact Shari Hedrick, Director of Community Impact, ([email protected] ) for information.


If your organization already has a listing on Volunteer Connection, please keep the information current and updated. Volunteers seeking ways to help are constantly on the site, looking for new opportunities. Also, keep in mind that some volunteers ask that they be informed when new or updated listings occur - and that every time you update your listing, a new notice is sent out! What a nice way to keep your needs front and center to community volunteers!
Again, if you need help with this - have lost your login information or just need a bit of help, contact Shari Hedrick.

Finally, if you have always wanted to volunteer but didn't know where to start, go to Volunteer Connections at
http://www.bc-unitedway.org/volunteer. There you can browse through many opportunities or can search by special areas of interest to you.

Connecting the dots with Volunteer Connection - just another way to LIVE UNITED!








For many people, philanthropic giving is a lifelong commitment that provides both personal satisfaction and financial benefits.


Through the Butler County United Way Planned Giving Program, you can give a general endowment gift that benefits you and your family, while ensuring vital health and human service programs are available for generations to come.


To learn more, contact Mitchell Willis, Director of Resource Development at  [email protected]  or 513-863-0800.





Ice Fest




 Ice Fest Gang


Seeking Funds to  

           Create Impact???

The annual Request for Proposal (RFP) for 501C3 organizations seeking funding from Butler County United Way will be released Monday, February 4 on our website at   www.bc-unitedway.org.       


A Bidder's Conference, recommended but not mandatory, will be held:

Friday, February 8 at 8:30 am  Workforce One of Butler County

4631 Dixie Highway (Route # 4), Fairfield Crossing Shopping Center, Fairfield, Ohio 45014.



WI Women's Leadership

Volunteer & Networking Opportunities

We would love for you to join us for a time of serving our local youth while also networking with other women in our community.

Volunteer with us on the following dates, times, and locations to make a difference and make connections:



*Living Water: Tuesday, February 5th


*Boys & Girls Club: Wednesday, April 17th | 5:30pm-7:15pm


*Shared Harvest: Wednesday, May 15th | 12:00pm-3:00pm


*Living Water: Wednesday, July 10th









Friday, April 26th 

(more information next month)
Visit Our New Website...
Take a few minutes and browse our website.
Learn more about who we are, what we do, and what you can do to help. Visit www.bc-unitedway.org to get started!

...And Watch Our Video!
Watch Our Video

While you're combing through our new site, take a few minutes to watch our campaign video on the home page. Be sure to share it with everyone you know!








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