Butler County
United Way

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New Year, New Hopes

Although I am starting 2013 with considerably less bulk than I carried into 2012, my hopes and dreams for the new year are for a considerably bolder transformation than we can get from mere weight loss.


Those of you who have received email from my personal email account may have noticed a quote that I sometimes include in my signature: "We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't." It's from a gentleman named Frank A. Clark, who, for years, wrote a column that was syndicated in smaller newspapers around the country, a column called The Country Parson.  


Following Mr. Clark's counsel, I celebrate our differences as much as our similarities. Too often, I believe, we insist on a sameness - in tastes, thought, beliefs - that is boring and unimaginative. So much of our everyday life has been homogenized by our national entertainment media. Even our regional cuisine has largely disappeared over the years, to be replaced by national franchises that assure our food in Cape Cod tastes exactly like our food in San Diego.


So, as we begin a new year, one of my hopes is that we, as a community and as a larger society, begin to value more the differences we have, and realize that those differences give us diverse perspectives that can be helpful in solving the problems we all face.  


Everyone has heard the old saying, "If the only tool you have in your toolbox is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail." Well, I want us to make sure that we have room in our toolboxes for hammers, screw drivers, pliers and even the occasional monkey wrench. We can learn much from each other if we only take time to look at things from the other guy's point of view once in awhile.


Happy New Year!




Several years ago Larry and Allison invested $30,000 in what they believed to be an attractive stock. It turned out to be a very wise decision, because the value of the stock increased to $100,000 a few years later. Though they were not in need of additional income at the time, the couple decided to cash in on this growth and began considering selling the stock.

Allison: We had had a good year and were looking for ways to maximize deductions and reduce what we owed in taxes. At the same time, we had been exploring the best way to make a gift to our favorite charity.

Larry: Allison and I were both age 50 at the time, in good health and still working. And though we didn't really need extra current income, we were planning to retire at age 65 so we were always interested in smart retirement planning. Our goal was to be able to live comfortably and travel in our motorhome to visit friends and family.

Allison: I remember when we met with a gift planner. He explained the benefits of setting up a deferred gift annuity. Instead of selling, we could give our stock to our favorite charity and receive an immediate charitable tax deduction. Plus, when we turn 65, the deferred gift annuity would make annual retirement income payments to us for our lifetime.

Larry: We decided to set up the deferred gift annuity. And we experienced first hand each of the benefits Allison mentioned: we received a charitable tax deduction and tax savings immediately. And now that we're retired, we receive income each year that helps make our retirement travel possible. On top of all of this, the deferred gift annuity makes a portion of the income payments we receive tax-free.







For many people, philanthropic giving is a lifelong commitment that provides both personal satisfaction and financial benefits.


Through the Butler County United Way Planned Giving Program, you can give a general endowment gift that benefits you and your family, while ensuring vital health and human service programs are available for generations to come.


To learn more, contact Mitchell Willis, Director of Resource Development at  [email protected]  or 513-863-0800.




The Requests for Proposals for the 2013-2014 funding year will be released in early February. Information will be posted on the website (www.bc-unitedway.org) as it becomes available. 


TARGET STORES AND BUTLER COUNTY UNITED WAY BRING CHRISTMAS TO LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED                                                                                                        Girl, Christmas Tree

Nine families in Butler County received a special delivery this holiday season thanks to a partnership between Butler County United Way and local Target stores... a fully decorated Christmas tree.


The partnership known as Target Share-A-Tree, is designed to provide Christmas trees to families and agencies across the nation annually.  In the 22nd year of this partnership, each Target store donates 1 to 2 fully decorated trees to their local United Way.  Butler County United Way has coordinated pick-up and delivery of the 4 available trees from Fairfield Township and West Chester Target stores.


This year, Nine Christmas trees with decorations  were donated to families identified through the Holiday Community Project. Families who are involved with Boys and Girls Club of Hamilton, Serve City and St. Raphael's all received trees this year. Thanks to the generous help of the American Red Cross and their BIG Truck, these families were able to experience Christmas because of Target Stores and the Holiday Community Project.   

Children Christmas Tree  


WI Women's Leadership

Volunteer & Networking Opportunities

We would love for you to join us for a time of serving our local youth while also networking with other women in our community.

Volunteer with us on the following dates, times, and locations to make a difference and make connections:



*Shared Harvest: Wednesday, January 9th | 12:00pm-3:00pm


*Living Water: Tuesday, February 5th


*Boys & Girls Club: Wednesday, April 17th | 5:30pm-7:15pm


*Shared Harvest: Wednesday, May 15th | 12:00pm-3:00pm


*Living Water: Wednesday, July 10th



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While you're combing through our new site, take a few minutes to watch our campaign video on the home page. Be sure to share it with everyone you know!

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