Butler County
United Way

Live United - United Way

Give Today Change Tomorrow 


It's Not Too Late!!!


At a certain point in every political campaign, usually during the weekend preceding election Tuesday, both sides take a small step back to breathe. Candidates, staffers and volunteers all know they have done everything within their power to bring about the outcome they desire. Voters who have been inundated with campaign ads - some clever, some misleading, most neither - know (in a strangely-nostalgic way) that soon, their only exposure to those ads will be when they view the countless shows on their DVR recorded through the campaign season. Now, they know, everything is in the hands of the voters.

And the second guessing begins, even before the votes have been counted. The candidate worries that the gaffe he made five weeks ago will be the cause of his demise; the campaign manager wonders if she would have been better off going "all-in" in the southeastern part of the state at the expense of fewer resources being available elsewhere.


United Way campaigns are not so different.


This is the time of year when we are wondering if there is anything else we could do - or could have done - to ensure that our campaign will be able to provide sufficient resources to maintain - or even accelerate - the momentum we have seen in recent years around services for children and families.


But, in one important respect, we are different from those political campaigns - we still have time for more action! It's not too late!


And so, if your company has not yet run a United Way campaign this year, give Mitchell or me a call and help us get in front of the decision-makers at your place of employment. If you are one of those decision-makers, and you want to challenge a rival company, call us and let us show you how philanthropy can be a wonderful battlefield for such challenges. And if business has been really good this year, consider a corporate match for your employees' gifts.


If you have already run a campaign for us this year, consider a "New Hire" program that allows new employees to get in on supporting their community without having to wait for next year's campaign. And if, like me, you have begun to come to grips with your own mortality and are beginning to plan your estate, talk with us about a Legacy Gift that can perpetuate your support for your community through United Way.


So, now that November is upon us, if you haven't done so already, be sure to vote for the candidate of your choice. And if you haven't already pledged your support for Butler County United Way, be sure to do so. It's important. And it's not too late!



              TAKE ACTION TODAY!

   Clark Schaefer Hackett 

Public accounting firm Clark Schaefer Hackett, a recognized source of reputable and valuable industry research, is excited to launch a Not-for-Profit industry survey on October 22. Specifically, the firm will gather data on board composition and effectiveness.


The subsequent survey report they produce will paint a picture of our local trends and best practices, compare the responses to national data, and dissect the data to offer organizational insight. Their goal is to provide important, complimentary information to all not-for-profit organizations across our region.


If you are already familiar with Clark Schaefer Hackett, it's likely you will receive an e-mail asking you to participate in the project. All the data will be collected electronically, and takes just a few minutes to complete. If you do not see an e-mail in your inbox by October 22, please visit: 

to take part. Every participant will strengthen the results.


The firm sincerely appreciates your time and involvement.







For many people, philanthropic giving is a lifelong commitment that provides both personal satisfaction and financial benefits.


Through the Butler County United Way Planned Giving Program, you can give a general endowment gift that benefits you and your family, while ensuring vital health and human service programs are available for generations to come.


To learn more, contact Mitchell Willis, Director of Resource Development at [email protected] or 513-863-0800.


Visit Our New Website...
Take a few minutes and browse our brand new website. Learn more about who we are, what we do, and what you can do to help. Visit www.bc-unitedway.org to get started!

...And Watch Our Video!
Watch Our Video

While you're combing through our new site, take a few minutes to watch our new campaign video on the home page. Be sure to share it with everyone you know!

Ginger United 


      Celebration of Progress!

   Tuesday, November 27, 2012


         $10.00 per person

 Fitton Center for Creative Arts

        "Vista Room"


Join us for light hors d oevres as we report on our 2012 Campaign Progress and Ring in the Holiday Season.

Listen to some familiar piano tunes performed by local favorites Dave Belew and Roderick Nimitz.


To RSVP call (513) 863-0800 or email Scott at [email protected]  


Dear Citizens of Butler County:

At the end of your election ballot is Issue 24 which deserves your Yes vote, the Butler County Children Services Renewal Tax Levy.


This is a non-partisan issue that is a critical part of our community's public safety, preventing the abuse and neglect of children and helping families to be stable and safe places for them to live.


The staff of Children Services works closely with our local law enforcement departments, particularly Sheriff Jones' office to keep children safe.


This is challenging, difficult work but Children Services has made great progress in handling its responsibilities while reducing administrative personnel and costs and keeping within its budget limitations.


Issue 24 is a renewal tax levy that maintains current local funding.


Help keep our children safe and help strengthen families without raising your taxes.  


Vote Yes on Issue 24.


Thank you,

Dr. Fred Valerius

Fairfield Township

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