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November 13-14, 2015

June 26-July 1, 2016 or
July 24-29, 2016

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October 2015

Forgiving others can make us happier, healthier, kinder, and more connected. But it can be very hard to do. 

Fortunately, Robert Enright has been studying the keys to forgiveness for decades. Here he lays out eight keys to forgiveness.

And gender may affect feelings about forgiving: A new study looks at how forgiveness may make some men feel vulnerable and weak

For more practical ways to build your powers of forgiveness, visit our Greater Good in Action site.

Also on Greater Good:
How Mindfulness Makes Work Better
We all know work can be stressful and impacts our lives outside the workplace, even affecting our sleep. But new research suggests that mindfulness meditation can improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and boost resilience--all of which lead to a better, more productive work life.

Learn more at our upcoming conference, Mindfulness and Well-Being at Work

This two-day conference, November 13-14 in Berkeley, will examine in depth the state-of-the-art for well-being and mindfulness at work, exploring what's working and why. 
The renowned speakers at this two-day conference--including leaders who have helped develop mindfulness programs at Aetna, Pixar, Ford Motor Company, and elsewhere--will explore how these programs are working, why, and how they could benefit your workplace.  
On day two of the program, in-depth workshops will give attendees an even more experiential, hands-on understanding of how mindfulness can be incorporated into their work lives.
Group rates and scholarships for MBA students interested in socially conscious leadership are available; contact [email protected].  
Two CE credits for health professionals and 11.25 for HR professionals. GGSC members receive a 20% discount (it pays for itself!). 
Co-presented by 1440 Multiversity, Mindful magazine, and the GGSC. Sponsored by HopeLabClaremont EAP, gPause at GoogleKIND, and Wells Fargo.
The Surprising Benefits of Stress
Is there a good type of stress? UC Berkeley researcher Daniela Kaufer says yes. A recent Berkeley Wellness interview dives into her recent findingswhich reveal the difference between good stress and bad and uncover pointers for how to respond to stressful events in a healthy way.
GGSC Must See: Gratitude Revealed 
The GGSC has been thrilled to partner with award-winning filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg on a series of inspiring new short films, called Gratitude Revealed.

Each film centers on a theme--such as Purpose, Generosity, or Mindfulness--that is key to living a grateful, meaningful life. The films are produced with Schwartzberg's signature blend of artistry and humanity. Alongside each one, you'll find a variety of resources produced by the GGSC to reveal the science behind that theme.

Summer Institute for Educators 2016
When: June 26-July 1, 2016 or July 24-29, 2016
Where: UC Berkeley Campus 

Join education professionals from around the world at our six-day institute, which one participant described as "the most meaningful, impactful professional development experience I've ever had."

A second institute in late July has been added for 2016 and applications are available now!
Meet Our Fellows
Kelsey Clausing
This week, meet GGSC 2015-2016 undergraduate fellow Kelsey Clausing, a senior majoring in molecular and cell biology.

Her fellowship project investigates the influences of stress on kind, helpful--or "pro-social"--behavior in rodents. For more on our fellowship program, click here