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August 2014

Empathy allows us to better understand the interior lives of other people. And science suggests empathic people enjoy stronger relationships and personal well-being.


Find out how empathic you are with our new empathy quiz. Finish the quiz and you'll receive tips on how to strengthen your own empathy skills.  


More from Greater Good on empathy:
How to Understand the Teen Brain
Changes to the brain during adolescence can bewilder parents and other adults. Here are a few resources to help them -- and teens -- manage a sometimes stressful time. 

Educator Patrick Cook-Deegan offers eight tips for teaching mindfulness to teens --  a way to help them build emotion regulation and resilience.

Daniel Siegel
Dr. Daniel Siegel
Bestselling author and neuropsychiatrist
Dr. Daniel Siegel explains how changes to the adolescent brain transform relationships with peers and parents--and what adults can learn from those changes. 

And a new book explains the many reasons why teens stop communicating with adults, even when they especially need parental support.
Free Online Class: The Science of Happiness
Looking for practical, science-backed methods to up your happiness quotient? 


Enroll in the GGSC's FREE online Science of Happiness class before it launches this September and join thousands of students from around the world who are taking action to increase their well-being.


The GGSC's Dacher Keltner and Emiliana Simon-Thomas will cover connection, compassion, forgiveness, mindfulness, awe, and other research-tested techniques and practices to boost happiness. 


The eight-week online course goes live September 9, though students can start the class at any time and proceed at their own pace. 


Six or 16 CE credit hours are available to health professionals for a fee.
Upcoming GGSC Events

Joshua Wolf Shenk on Creativity and the Powers of Two

When: September 25, 2014

Where: Hillside Club, Berkeley, CA


Author Joshua Wolf Shenk examined hundreds of creative duos to understand and unveil the "electrified space" of a partnership for his new book, Powers of Two: Finding the Essence of Innovation in Creative Pairs. Shenk will discuss his new book with writer Adam Hochschild, co-founder of Mother Jones. 


Kristin Neff

Self Compassion & the Cultivation of Happiness, led by Kristin Neff

When: November 7, 2014

Where: International House, UC Berkeley Campus


Research suggests that self-compassion reduces anxiety, makes us more resilient in the face of challenges, and improves our overall mental health.


This day-long seminar, led by Mindful Self-Compassion founder Kristin Neff, Ph.D., will offer strategies for cultivating self-compassion, boosting happiness, and reducing stress in yourself and others.

Six CEUs are available to health professionals and, as always, GGSC members receive a great discount!

When: November 10, 2014
Where: Hillside Club, Berkeley, CA

Founding faculty member of London's The School of Life and Greater Good contributing writer Roman Krznaric has traveled the world researching and lecturing on the subject of empathy. Krznaric will discuss his research and his new book, Empathy: Why It Matters and How to Get It. 

When: December 4, 2014
Where: First Congregational Church of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

New York Times columnist Kristof and journalist WuDunn discuss their new book, A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity, a 21st century guide to global citizenship. 
Compassion Week 2014

Compassion Week 2014

When: November 10-16, 2014

Where: San Francisco


A week of events focused on compassion and science, presented by the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), the Tenzin Gyatso Institute, and the Charter for Compassion. Includes:

CEUs available. Early Bird rates extended through Aug. 15! See site for more info.