The latest news and views from the California Asphalt Pavement Association
Sept. 5, 2016 

Commentary...: What does bovine belching and road funding have in common? Holy cow!
Southern California contractor dinner set for Sept. 13 in Pico Rivera
Half-day HMA pavement smoothness classes to take place Sept. 23 in San Diego
Program set for the Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo Oct. 26-27 in Sacramento
Tech Term of the Week: Ultra-thin overlay
Quote of the Week: Elbert Hubbard
Holiday hours
(Always on-line HERE)

Southern California Contractor's Dinner
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Dal Rae Restaurant
9023 E. Washington Blvd.
Pico Rivera
Contact: Sophie You (916) 791-5044
Sign up HERE.

HMA Pavement Smoothness Class
Friday, Sept. 23, 8 a.m. to noon 

Caltrans District 11 Lab Conference Room, 7177 Opportunity Road, San Diego
Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 781-5044
Sign-up HERE.


HMA Pavement Smoothness Class
Friday, Sept. 23, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.  

Caltrans District 11 Lab Conference Room, 7177 Opportunity Road, San Diego
Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 781-5044
Sign-up HERE.  

Annual CalAPA Golf Tournament set for Thursday, Sept. 22 in Industry Hills
Click HERE to sign up!
Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for sponsorship opportunities.


Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo
Oct. 26 & 27, Doubletree Hotel, 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento.
Click HERE for details.
Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities. 



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Asphalt is used on about 94 percent of paved roads in America. Why? Because it's smooth, quiet, safe, durable and 100 percent recyclable. Visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance website learn more about why asphalt is the right choice now more than ever.

Are you an engineer, designer or technical professional who makes decisions on pavement type selection? The DriveAsphalt website has technical reports and other resources may be just what you're looking for.  Click HERE for more information.
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 981300
West Sacramento, CA 95798
Main office:
1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 791-5044 (phone)
Did you miss an issue of the California Asphalt Insider? No problem! Past editions of the newsletter are available at the CalAPA newsletter archive page.

CalAPA produces a highly regarded magazine, California Asphalt, and an annual membership directory. To view current and past issues of the magazine, click HERE. For advertising sales information, click HERE or call Kerry Hoover with Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
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This weekly bulletin contains the latest news and information of interest to the asphalt pavement industry in California. Please feel free to distribute this newsletter to others who may be interested in asphalt pavements.
Commentary: What does bovine belching and road funding have in common? Holy cow!

The state Legislature wrapped up work last week, if you can call it that, leaving undone any meaningful progress on addressing California's road-funding crisis. That's because the people you pay to represent you were consumed with much more important matters, such as cow belching. What, you may ask, does that have to do with asphalt? Stay with us and we'll explain.

First, a little background. When the Legislature wants to do State Capitol something with as little public notice as possible, they wait until the waning days, or hours, of the Legislative session. With no witnesses other than bleary-eyed lobbyists, legislators slip some foul-smelling amendments or even whole bills through the Legislative meat grinder, often in the wee hours, with little debate and even less scrutiny.

Such was the case with SB1383 by state Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens. The bill is intended to reduce methane gas, which is deemed a greenhouse gas that is harmful to the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. The bill casts a wide net, covering landfills, the agriculture industry and others deemed sources of methane gas. That includes that evil menace of environmental degradation, Daisy the dairy cow. Daisy, it seems, has a burping problem, as does all of her sisters across the state. That belching as she eats emits methane gas, and that must be regulated. It is reported that Gov. Jerry Brown made personal calls last week to legislators to lobby for this measure. You can't make this stuff up.

The bill creates a new program to be managed by -- wait for it -- the California Air Resources Board, which is well on its way to becoming the fourth branch of government. Estimates of how much this program will cost to set up range from $500 million to $1.2 billion, which includes hundreds of miles of pipelines, and other infrastructure. The program would be funded with the state's Low Carbon Fuel Standard "cap-and-trade" money, but could end up adding .10 cents to a gallon of fuel at the pump.

The connection between cow belching and roads? Transportation advocates have been pushing for an increase in state fuel taxes -- which haven't been raised since the 1990s -- to help pay for repairs to roads, bridges and other transportation infrastructure in the state. But now they have to get in line behind Daisy the belching cow. A CARB report that examines these programs in detail is HERE.

It's just another example of how virtually every issue except roads manages to elbow its way to the front of the line at the Capitol. Welcome to California, home to happy cows, or so claims a cheerful ad campaign by the California Dairy Council. It's a good thing cows can't read.

For a more comprehensive (and less tongue-in-cheek) summary of legislative activities as they may impact the asphalt pavement industry, CalAPA members should consult the "Member Alert" that was sent out electronically on Sept. 2.
Southern California contractor dinner set for Sept. 13 in Pico Rivera; get the inside scoop from the editor of the 'Asphalt Insider'
Registration is now open for the next CalAPA Southern California Contractor Dinner, to be held Sept. 13 in Pico Rivera. Click HERE for details and to sign up.

CalAPA Executive Director Russell Snyder, who is also the editor of the weekly "Asphalt Insider" newsletter, will be the featured
Attendees at a recent CalAPA Contractor Dinner.
speaker. His topic is "Deadly Threats & Incredible Opportunities for the Asphalt Pavement Industry in California." Topics to be covered will include funding outlook, regulatory issues and initiatives being pushed by the association on behalf of its members.

The evening will also feature an entertaining and informative "technical tidbit" from Steve Marvin from Labelle-Marvin, and an update on regulatory compliance and risk control from Daniel Medina with Parsell & Getters. A "Member of the Month" will also be highlighted.

CalAPA Contractor Dinners are an the asphalt pavement industry's premier way to network and learn how to work smarter in a pleasant setting. The dinner will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Dal Rae Restaurant, 9023 W. Washington Blvd. in Pico Rivera. The dinners are open to CalAPA members and invited guests. More information can be found on the event webpage HERE.
Half-day HMA pavement smoothness classes to take place Sept. 23 in San Diego
A half-day class focusing exclusively on pavement smoothness, including delving into recent changes in Caltrans smoothness specifications, technology and paving practices, has been added to the CalAPA technical training calendar for on Friday, Sept. 23 from 8 a.m. to noon in San Diego. Sign-up for the class HERE. The class will be repeated in the afternoon from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the same location. Sign up for the afternoon class HERE.

The classes are taught by CalAPA member Mike Robinson, P.E.,
Mike Robinson, P.E.
who has years of practical knowledge, having worked at Caltrans, for CalAPA-member companies and as a paving consultant. A flier that contains details about the half-day class can be downloaded HERE. Pavement designers, specifiers, paving contractors, agency personnel, inspectors and others are strongly encouraged to attend.

The classes are being held at the Caltrans District 11 facility, 7177 Opportunity Road, Lab Conference Room, in San Diego.

The classes will cover spec changes and terminology, measuring smoothness, incentives and disincentives, inspection and acceptance, smoothness technology, effective use of the ProVal software, the Inertial Profiler, IRI, grinding plans, "Superpave" considerations and more. The course curriculum has been developed under the guidance of the CalAPA Technical Advisory Committee and reviewed by Caltrans.

Each attendee will receive a handy reference workbook, and also a certificate verifying that they have completed four (4) hours of Professional Development Hours (PDH) of technical instruction.

The fee for the class is $99 for CalAPA members and agency personnel, and $119 for all others.

Watch the Asphalt Insider newsletter for announcements on other technical classes to be held around the state. To view the entire on-line calendar of all upcoming CalAPA technical classes and events, click HERE.

Smooth pavements can have many benefits beyond just an enjoyable ride. To learn more, click HERE to visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance web page devoted to the topic.
Program set for Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo Oct. 26-27 in Sacramento
Registration is now open for the Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo, which will take place Oct. 26 & 27 in Sacramento. Click HERE for details and to sign up.

Caltrans Chief Engineer Karla Sutliff will be the keynote speaker,
Karla Sutliff
discussing Caltrans sustainability and innovation initiatives. Will Kempton, executive director of Transportation California, an advocacy group, will also be speaking about the outlook for a comprehensive state transportation funding plan.

The program also features technical presentations on a number of topics, including the use of reclaimed asphalt in pavement mixes, pavement smoothness standards and technology, achieving optimum compaction in the field and effective partnering techniques.

The event will feature a gala reception on the evening of Day 1, and a popular exhibitor area and equipment displays. As always, exhibit space goes fast and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for details. Click HERE for additional information for exhibitors and sponsors.
Pascal Mascarenhas

Pascal Mascarenhas with Vulcan Materials poses a question at a previous CalAPA conference.
Tech Term of the Week

Each week we highlight a word, acronym or other reference commonly used in the asphalt pavement industry in California.

ULTRA-THIN OVERLAY: An HMA overlay over an existing HMA or PCC pavement and is less than 25 mm (1 in) in thickness. May also be called a thin bonded wearing course. 
Quote of the Week

"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."
                                Elbert Hubbard    
CalAPA Offices will be closed in observance of the Labor Day Holiday

CalAPA offices will be closed today (Monday, Sept. 5) in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. The offices will reopen during regular business hours on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
We hope you enjoy CalAPA's Asphalt Insider. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information on technical issues, regulation, news and events in California that may impact the asphalt pavement industry. Click HERE to contact us with any comments or suggestions.




Russell W. Snyder, CAE 
Executive Director
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)

CalAPA Golf Tournament Sept 22 Industry Hills!
Pacific Palms Resort cart staging area
Click HERE to sign up!

The California Asphalt Insider is an official publication of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. For more information or to inquire about membership, call (916) 791-5044, or click HERE to send us an e-mail.
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