The latest news and views from the California Asphalt Pavement Association
Aug. 15, 2016 

Southern California contractor dinner set for Sept. 13 in Pico Rivera
Technical Director Dr. Rita B. Leahy, a noted asphalt expert, retires from CalAPA
Job Opportunity: Director of Technical Services
Annual CalAPA Golf Tournament registration now open; event set for Sept. 22 in Southern California
Fact of the Week: Licensed C-12 Contractors in Californiia
Tech Term of the Week: Design Life
Quote of the Week: Peter Marshall
(Always on-line HERE)

Southern California Contractor's Dinner
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Dal Rae Restaurant
9023 E. Washington Blvd.
Pico Rivera
Contact: Sophie You (916) 791-5044
Sign up HERE.


Annual CalAPA Golf Tournament set for Thursday, Sept. 22 in Industry Hills
Click HERE to sign up!
Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for sponsorship opportunities.


Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo Oct. 26 & 27 in Sacramento.
Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities. 



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Asphalt is used on about 94 percent of paved roads in America. Why? Because it's smooth, quiet, safe, durable and 100 percent recyclable. Visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance website learn more about why asphalt is the right choice now more than ever.

Are you an engineer, designer or technical professional who makes decisions on pavement type selection? The DriveAsphalt website has technical reports and other resources may be just what you're looking for.  Click HERE for more information.
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 981300
West Sacramento, CA 95798
Main office:
1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 791-5044 (phone)
Did you miss an issue of the California Asphalt Insider? No problem! Past editions of the newsletter are available at the CalAPA newsletter archive page.

CalAPA produces a highly regarded magazine, California Asphalt, and an annual membership directory. To view current and past issues of the magazine, click HERE. For advertising sales information, click HERE or call Kerry Hoover with Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
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This weekly bulletin contains the latest news and information of interest to the asphalt pavement industry in California. Please feel free to distribute this newsletter to others who may be interested in asphalt pavements.
Southern California contractor dinner set for Sept. 13 in Pico Rivera; get the inside scoop from the editor of the 'Asphalt Insider'
Registration is now open for the next CalAPA Southern California Contractor Dinner, to be held Sept. 13 in Pico Rivera. Click HERE for details and to sign up.

CalAPA Executive Director Russell Snyder, who is also the editor of the weekly "Asphalt Insider" newsletter, will be the featured speaker. His topic is "Deadly Threats & Incredible Opportunities for the Asphalt Pavement Industry in California." Topics to be covered will include funding outlook, regulatory issues and initiatives being pushed by the association on behalf of its members.

The evening will also feature an entertaining and informative
CalAPA Contractor Dinner April 9, 2013
Attendees at a previous CalAPA Contractor Dinner.
"technical tidbit" from Steve Marvin from Labelle-Marvin, and an update on regulatory compliance and risk control from Daniel Medina with Parsell & Getters. A "Member of the Month" will also be highlighted.

CalAPA Contractor Dinners are an the asphalt pavement industry's premier way to network and learn how to work smarter in a pleasant setting. The dinner will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Dal Rae Restaurant, 9023 W. Washington Blvd. in Pico Rivera. The dinners are open to CalAPA members and invited guests. More information can be found on the event webpage HERE.
Technical Director Dr. Rita B. Leahy, a noted asphalt expert, retires from CalAPA
Rita B. Leahy, Ph.D., P.E., a noted expert in asphalt pavements nationally and internationally, has retired from her position as Technical Director for CalAPA. She has agreed to stay on in a limited consulting capacity until a permanent replacement is found (see job advertisement story below).

"Dr. Leahy was the gold standard for professionalism, integrity,
Rita Leahy
Dr. Rita B. Leahy presents at a CalAPA conference.
technical knowledge and advancing the interests of the asphalt pavement industry," said CalAPA Executive Director Russell Snyder. "Dr. Leahy shared generously with her vast knowledge of asphalt pavements and research, and everyone connected to the industry in California has benefited, either directly or indirectly, by her many contributions."

A well-known authority on asphalt pavements, Leahy previously was an associate professor of civil engineering at Oregon State University, a senior staff engineer with the Strategic Highway Research Program, and a principal engineer with the Asphalt Institute. She has authored more than 50 technical publications on asphalt pavements, including an authoritative examination of "Superpave." She has lectured across the country and overseas.

Her encyclopedic knowledge of pavements earned her respect far and wide, and her quick wit endeared her to many more. She evaluated research with a critical eye, and steadfastly maintained that changes to specifications and test methods should be grounded in good science and sound engineering judgement, as well as practical field experience. Those views were highly influential and elevated discussions between industry and agency representatives.

In 2015, she was invited to be the keynote speaker for the Australian Asphalt Pavement Association's (AAPA) workshop series, which were held in five mainland territories and in Tasmania. At the time the AAPA said her participation was "crucial to the Australian road construction and maintenance community." She has held leadership roles of the Transportation Research Board and the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. Her official bio is HERE.

CalAPA has begun a search for a replacement. For more information, see the story below, or click HERE to read the official job announcement.
Rita Leahy, left, confers with Bob Humer of the Asphalt Institute as Bill Farnbach with Caltrans (standing) looks on.
Dr. Rita B. Leahy, left, and Bob Humer with the Asphalt Institute, right, review long-life asphalt pavement project information in 2010 as Caltrans pavement engineer Bill Farnbach, center, looks on. The projects on Interstate 5 in the north state, with a 40-year design life, later won a national "Pavement Pioneer" award from the Asphalt Pavement Alliance and a Caltrans Excellence in Transportation Facilities award.
Job Opportunity: CalAPA seeks qualified applicants for Director of Technical Services
The California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA), a statewide non-profit trade association that represents the asphalt pavement industry in California, is seeking outstanding candidates for the position of Director of Technical Services. The deadline to apply is Aug. 31. Click HERE to read the official job announcement.

The successful candidate will be very knowledgeable about asphalt pavements, including materials, mix and structural design, testing and construction.

The CalAPA Director of Technical Services will be instrumental in helping the association deliver many technical knowledge-transfer activities, such as annual technical conferences, classes, meetings and publications. The Director of Technical Services will also be the association's point person to interface with local, state and federal agencies and academia on technical matters, including research, specification development and implementation, and other activities. More information about the association can be found HERE. A brochure about the association is HERE. Information about the association's strategic plan is HERE.

The Director of Technical Services serves as a technical resource to CalAPA members and is the principal staff person for the association's Technical Advisory Committee of subject-matter experts. For additional requirements, and instructions on how to apply, click HERE to read the official job announcement.
Annual CalAPA Golf Tournament registration now open; event set for Sept. 22 in Southern California
Registration is now open for one of the most popular industry events of the year, the annual CalAPA Golf Tournament at the fabulous Industry Hills Golf Club at the Pacific Palms Resort in Industry, Calif. This event sells out every year so early registration Pacific Palms Resort cart staging area is strongly recommended. Click HERE to visit the sign-up page.

The golf tournament is sponsored by the CalAPA Southern California Contractors' Committee. Proceeds from the event help support CalAPA's workforce development efforts, such as its annual International Road Federation fellowship and providing free passes to CalAPA conferences for college students who are aspiring materials engineers.

There are numerous sponsorship opportunities to help CalAPA members build their brand and support a good cause. Proceeds from the event benefit CalAPA scholarship programs.

For more information, contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044.
If you don't have fun at the CalAPA golf tournament, check your pulse!
Fact of the Week

Periodically we highlight a statistic or other fact that may be illuminating regarding asphalt or the asphalt pavement industry in California.

There were 2,348 active C-12 (earthwork and paving) licensed contractors in California as of July 2016, according to the Contractors State License Board. In July of 2009, the figure was 2,841.  
Tech Term of the Week

Each week we highlight a word, acronym or other reference commonly used in the asphalt pavement industry in California.

DESIGN LIFE: The expected life of a pavement from its opening to traffic until structural rehabilitation is needed. The typical reporting of pavement life does not include the life of the pavement with the application of preventive maintenance. Design life (in mechanistic terms) is the number of ESAL's (i.e., repetitive loadings) the pavement can absorb before stiffness is reduced to 50% of the design or initial stiffness. 
Quote of the Week

"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned."

                                Peter Marshall               
We hope you enjoy CalAPA's Asphalt Insider. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information on technical issues, regulation, news and events in California that may impact the asphalt pavement industry. Click HERE to contact us with any comments or suggestions.




Russell W. Snyder, CAE 
Executive Director
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)

The California Asphalt Insider is an official publication of the California Asphalt Pavement Association. For more information or to inquire about membership, call (916) 791-5044, or click HERE to send us an e-mail.
Copyright � 2016 California Asphalt Pavemement Association - All Rights Reserved.