| (Always on-line HERE)
* "Essentials of HMA Pavement Smoothness" class Tuesday, May 24, 8 a.m. to noon City of Santa Rosa, UFO Building Room F, 35 Stony Point Road, Santa Rosa Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 7891-5044 Click HERE to register
"Essentials of HMA Pavement Smoothness" class Tuesday, May 24, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. City of Santa Rosa, UFO Building Room F, 35 Stony Point Road, Santa Rosa Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 7891-5044 Click HERE to register
SAVE THE DATE!CalAPA 'Day at the Races' at Del Mar Race TrackSaturday, July 16Del Mar, CA Registration opens soon! *SAVE THE DATE!Annual CalAPA Golf Tournament set for Thursday, Sept. 22 in Industry Hills Details soon! *SAVE THE DATE!Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo Oct. 26 & 27 in Sacramento. Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.

Asphalt is used on about 94 percent of paved roads in America. Why? Because it's smooth, quiet, safe, durable and 100 percent recyclable. Visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance website learn more about why asphalt is the right choice now more than ever. |
Are you an engineer, designer or technical professional who makes decisions on pavement type selection? The DriveAsphalt website has technical reports and other resources may be just what you're looking for. Click HERE for more information.
CalAPA | |
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 981300
West Sacramento, CA 95798
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1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 791-5044 (phone)
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CalAPA produces a highly regarded magazine, California Asphalt, and an annual membership directory. To view current and past issues of the magazine, click HERE. For advertising sales information, click HERE or call Kerry Hoover with Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
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This weekly bulletin contains the latest news and information of interest to the asphalt pavement industry in California. Please feel free to distribute this newsletter to others who may be interested in asphalt pavements. |
 | 'Greenbook' committee looks to incorporate elements of 'Superpave' in specifications geared toward local agencies
The committee that oversees the "GreenBook" specifications for public works construction is moving forward with a draft specification that incorporates elements of "Superpave." Publication of the Greenbook, a subscription-based technical publication formally known as the "Standard Specifications for  Public Works Construction" and widely used in Southern California, is under the oversight of Public Works Standards, Inc. PWSI is made up of a number of associations, including local chapters of the American Society of Public Works. CalAPA is a longtime participant in the Greenbook's Asphalt Concrete Task Group. The Greenbook Committee has been watching with great interest the Caltrans adoption of Superpave into the department's Section 39 of its Standard Specifications. The group had hoped that Caltrans would follow through with a special specification for Superpave for local agencies, but so far the department has not done so. An industry-backed draft specification known as HMA for low-volume roads was developed jointly by Caltrans and industry for this purpose, but the department has so far said it will not post the specification on its website. In lieu of Caltrans action on the matter, the Greenbook Committee has decided to move forward with the effort on their own. At the May 4 Greenbook Asphalt Concrete Task Group meeting, a Draft Standard Special Provision was distributed for first review. The effort takes the principles of Superpave and incorporates them into the current Greenbook specifications and test methods. In anticipation of the endeavor, the Greenbook has an open section for Alternative Pavements available to address this if they so desired. This will be more applicable for local agencies and provides a vehicle for the participating jurisdictions to address new and innovative pavement designs and materials. The intent of this effort, according to committee participants, is to cater to local agencies for use of Superpave, but n  ot be as cumbersome as section 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. This is relevant, for example, for smaller projects and areas where local agencies work adjacent to, or encroach upon state routes. The idea is to provide a reduced specification but still give confidence in the pavement by incorporating the principles of Superpave. The first discussions on the Draft Standard Special Provision will happen at the June meeting of the Task Group. Asphalt Insider will report on future developments as conditions warrant. For more information on the Greenbook, click HERE. Questions or comments about CalAPA's participation in the Asphalt Concrete Task Group may be directed to CalAPAs Tony Grasso at (909) 362-9192. |
 | 'Essentials of Pavement Smoothness' classes to be held May 24 in Santa Rosa
A half-day class focusing exclusively on pavement smoothness, including delving into recent changes in Caltrans smoothness specifications, technology and paving practices, will be held on Tuesday, May 24 in Santa Rosa. Register for the morning class HERE. Register for the afternoon class HERE. The class, taught by CalAPA member Mike Robinson, P.E., who has years of practical knowledge as having worked at Caltrans,
|  | Mike Robinson |
for CalAPA-member companies and as a paving consultant. A flier that contains details about the half-day class can be downloaded HERE. Pavement designers, specifiers, paving contractors, inspectors and others are strongly encouraged to attend. The first class will be held on Tuesday, May 24 from 8 a.m. to noon at the City of Santa Rosa, UFO Building Room F, in Santa Rosa. The class will be repeated in the afternoon from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the same location. The early-bird price for the classes are $99 for members and agency personnel, and $119 for all others. The classes will cover spec changes and terminology, measuring smoothness, incentives and disincentives, inspection and acceptance, smoothness technology, effective use of the ProVal software, the Inertial Profiler, IRI, grinding plans, "Superpave" considerations and more. The course curriculum has been developed under the guidance of the CalAPA Technical Advisory Committee and reviewed by Caltrans. Each attendee will receive a handy reference workbook, and also a certificate verifying that they have completed four (4) hours of Professional Development Hours (PDH) of technical instruction. Watch the Asphalt Insider newsletter for announcements on other technical classes to be held around the state. To view the entire on-line calendar of all upcoming CalAPA technical classes, click HERE.
 | The most famous pothole in California
| Thanks to a quick video clip captured by the Madera Police Department, a car-swallowing pothole in the Central California town is now probably the most famous pothole in California.
The 46 second video clip of a local street giving way due to undermining of the foundation quickly went viral and has been viewed more than 660,000 times, shared on Facebook 6.700
|  | Gaping pothole in Madera. | times and spawned more than 1,000 comments. You can view it HERE.
While the video is an extreme example of what can happen to pavement when there are problems beneath the surface, it does inform the layperson in a compelling way what is usually happening on a much smaller scale beneath the pothole near their house. In this case, recent flooding may have contributed to undermining the road, the police department said.
According to the Madera Police Department posting on April 11, the roadway in question is on Schnoor Avenue, north of Howard Avenue and south of 4th Street. The hole measured about 12 feet by 15 feet, and was about 15 to 20 feet deep. The sinkhole has since been repaired and the road open to traffic, a police department representative tells Asphalt Insider. |
 | Writing the book on 'Superpave'
With all the recent activity iin California surrounding the transition to "Superpave," a federal initiative of the 1990s that is just now finding its way into specifications near you, perhaps a little history lesson may be in order. Superpave was born at the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), which is administered by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies. The asphalt research was conducted as part of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). which was the most focused asphalt research program in U.S. history. Intense research activity over a five-year period at a cost of $50 million led to sweeping changes in how asphalt materials are specified, tested and designed, including the "Superpave" mix designs of today.
If you want to learn more about the evolution of Superpave, you can click HERE to read a publication by the NCHRP documenting the SHRP history and relevance today. The official title of the publication is "The Superpave Mix Design System: Anatomy of a Research Program." We're pleased to note that one of the co-authors of the report is our very own Rita B. Leahy. We guess it could be said that she helped write the book on Superpave.
 | Reminder: Caltrans hosts 'webinar' on 2015 construction contract standards May 18
| Caltrans will host a free "webinar" on May 18 to review the various changes made to the just-released Caltrans 2015 Construction Contract Standards. The webinar will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. Click HERE to register.
During the presentation, Caltrans officials will cover how the construction contract standards work, the payment process and differences from the 2010 standards.
Electronic questions will be accepted during the webinar, and can be sent in advance to a dedicated e-mail address established for this purpose: .
Caltrans staff, contractors and local agency representatives who reference the Caltrans construction standards are encouraged to participate. Caltrans says the webcast will be recorded and posted for viewing for those who cannot attend. More information about the Caltrans Construction Contract Standards can be found HERE.
 | Tech Term of the Week
| Each week we highlight a word, acronym or other reference commonly used in the asphalt pavement industry in California.
FINE AGGREGATE: Aggregate particles passing a No. 8 sieve.
 | Quote of the Week
"Choking is when you are concentrating on the result and not focusing on the execution."
Lou Holtz |
We hope you enjoy CalAPA's Asphalt Insider. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information on technical issues, regulation, news and events in California that may impact the asphalt pavement industry. Click HERE to contact us with any comments or suggestions.
Russell W. SnyderExecutive Director California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA) |