L.A. Area Technical Committee MeetingWednesday, Nov. 4, 9:30 a.m. to noonCounty of Orange, RDMD Conference Room, 1152 Fruit St., Santa Ana Contact: Tony Grasso (909) 362-9192 Click HERE to RSVP *
CalAPA Southern California Contractor Dinner Tuesday, Nov. 10 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dal Rae Restaurant 9023 E. Washington Blvd., Pico Rivera Contact: Tony Grasso (909) 362-9192 Details HERE
"Critical Changes to Caltrans Section 39 HMA Specifications" class Wednesday, Nov. 18
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Caltrans Materials Lab, 7177 Opportunity Road, San Diego Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 791-5044 Register HERE
"Critical Changes to Caltrans Section 39 HMA Specifications" class Thursday, Nov. 19
8 a.m. to noon Caltrans Materials Lab, 7177 Opportunity Road, San Diego Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 791-5044 Register HERE
* "Critical Changes to Caltrans Section 39 HMA Specifications" class Tuesday, Dec. 1 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Caltrans Central Region satellite office, 1226 Olive Drive, Bakersfield Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 791-5044 Register HERE * "Critical Changes to Caltrans Section 39 HMA Specifications" class Wednesday, Dec. 2 8 a.m. to noon Caltrans Central Region Satellite office, 2015 Shields Ave., Fresno Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 791-5044 Register HERE *
"Critical Changes to Caltrans Section 39 HMA Specifications" class Wednesday, Jan. 6 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. City of Haward City Offices, 777 B Street, Second Floor, Room 2-A, Hayward Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 791-5044 Register HERE *
"Critical Changes to Caltrans Section 39 HMA Specifications" class Thursday, Jan. 7
8 a.m. to noon City of Haward City Offices, 777 B Street, Second Floor, Room 2-A, Hayward Contact: Ritha Nhorn (916) 791-5044 Register HERE CLICK & GO!View our interactive, "At a Glance" event calendar HERE.

Asphalt is used on about 94 percent of paved roads in America. Why? Because it's smooth, quiet, safe, durable and 100 percent recyclable. Visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance website learn more about why asphalt is the right choice now more than ever. |
Are you an engineer, designer or technical professional who makes decisions on pavement type selection? The DriveAsphalt website has technical reports and other resources may be just what you're looking for. Click HERE for more information.
CalAPA | |
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 981300
West Sacramento, CA 95798
Main office:
1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 791-5044 (phone)
Did you miss an issue of the California Asphalt Insider? No problem! Past editions of the newsletter are available at the CalAPA newsletter archive page.
CalAPA produces a highly regarded magazine, California Asphalt, and an annual membership directory. To view current and past issues of the magazine, click HERE. For advertising sales information, click HERE or call Kerry Hoover with Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
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This weekly bulletin contains the latest news and information of interest to the asphalt pavement industry in California. Please feel free to distribute this newsletter to others who may be interested in asphalt pavements. |
 | Fall Asphalt Conference brings together 260 industry, agency representatives to hear the latest on technology, specs and funding
| At a Sacramento hotel ballroom filled to capacity, industry, agency and academia converged last week to share the latest in best practices, technology, funding, specifications and more at the CalAPA Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo.
Keynote speaker Steve Takigawa, Deputy Director for Maintenance & Operations for Caltrans, emphasized the department's renewed commitment to being transparent and accountable to stakeholders as well as the public.
He said that the improving California economy, and higher tax receipts, has resulted in his highway system maintenance budget going up by about $600 million. But that is just a fraction of what is needed to bring all roads -- local, state and federal -- up to an acceptable standard of maintenance and smoothness.
Regarding a special session of the Legislature convened by Gov.
| Caltrans Deputy Director Steve Takigawa, the conference keynote speaker. | Jerry Brown to develop a long-term transportation funding plan, Takigawa said his department is facing tough questions about how it will ensure that any new money would be utilized efficiently and effectively.
"It's not easy to get money," he said. "People are asking, 'What are you doing to innovate? How do we know you're going to be accountable for it? And what efficiencies have you put in place to make sure that when we give you that money we have confidence that you're going to do the right thing?'" Speaking for his area of responsibility, Takigawa ticked off a number of innovative investments and reforms made by the department in recent years, and that continue to be made, to make roads safer, reduce maintenance costs and improve conditions for highway workers as well as users of the state's vast transportation system. Once such example is the installation in all Caltrans vehicles of GPS units that can monitor location, speed and other vital signs of state vehicles. Prominent stickers noting the vehicles have GPS monitoring are displayed on all vehicles equipped with the technology. The devices have resulted in the savings of $2 million in fuel and maintenance costs so far, Takigawa said, and led to the recovery of at least four stolen vehicles within minutes of the thefts, much to the dismay of the thieves who were caught red-handed. Of the dumbfounded crooks who were led away in handcuffs, he said, "They don't even know how to spell GPS, let alone know what it is." For more on what Takigawa thinks about these and other topics,
| Professor John Harvey of the University of California Pavement Research Center (standing) offers an observation during a technical presentation. |
see the in-depth interview with him that appeared in the 2015 Quality issue of the CalAPA magazine, California Asphalt. It can be viewed on-line HERE. The two-day conference program, held Oct. 28-29 at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento, also featured presentations on "Superpave," Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) use, asphalt binder considerations, new pavement smoothness specifications and technology, binder safety, personal protective equipment reflectivity, use of Material Transfer Vehicles, compaction, Cold In-Place Recycling and asphalt rubber blending. Technical presentations delivered at the conference can be viewed and downloaded HERE. The conference would not be possible were it not for the generous support of the many sponsors and exhibitors. A list of exhibitors of the conference is HERE. A list of conference sponsors is HERE. More photos from the conference can be found on CalAPA's Facebook page HERE. The Spring Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo will be held April 20-21, 2016 at the Doubletree Hotel, 222 N. Vineyard Ave. in Ontario. Contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044 for sponsor and exhibitor opportunities.
| Margaret Holdsworth, left, and Barry Gundersen brought their compelling asphalt binder safety presentation all the way from New Zealand to the Fall Conference. They are shown after the conference with their new CalAPA T-shirts. |
 | L.A.'s 'Clean Up Green Up' plan to be highlighted at Nov. 10 CalAPA contractor dinner in Pico Rivera
| A controversial draft Los Angeles ordinance, known as "Clean Up Green Up," will be in the spotlight at the Nov. 10 dinner meeting of the CalAPA Southern California Contractor Committee. Click HERE to sign up.
The draft ordinance as put forward by the city's Planning Department, has been deemed potentially harmful to the business community in general, and the asphalt pavement industry in particular.
CalAPA has joined a broad-based coalition, which is being led by the
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, in engaging the City of Los Angeles over the draft ordinance. The featured speaker at the Nov. 10 CalAPA Contractor Dinner will be Alycia Witzling, manager of public policy for the L.A. Chamber. She has been the point person on the draft ordinance, and will discuss its potential impacts and what the business community is doing to educate policy makers over the most potentially harmful language in the draft ordinance.
The event will also feature a "technical tidbit" from the peerless Steve Marvin from LaBelle Marvin, and an insurance tidbit from Steve Cota from Patriot Risk & Insurance. CalAPA Deputy Executive Director will provide an association update and the latest information on specification changes, a road funding outlook on the state and federal level and more.
The dinner will take place at the Dal Rae Restaurant, 9023 E. Washington Blvd. in Pico Rivera and is open to all CalAPA members and invited guests. Seats are limited and registration must be completed on-line. For more information, click HERE to visit the event website, or contact Tony Grasso at (909) 362-9192. The city's "Clean Up Green Up" Facebook page can be found HERE.
 | Welcome aboard: Jetpatcher USA
CalAPA is pleased to welcome its newest associate member, Jetpatcher USA. Jetpatcher is the exclusive distributor of asphalt pavem  ent repair equipment and supplies under the "Jetpatcher" system. According to the company, Jetpatcher equipment can be used for repairing many types of asphalt road defects, including potholes, edge breaks, road depressions, wheel path rutting, crack sealing dig-outs, speed bumps, drainage buns and scabbing. For more information, click HERE to visit the company's website, or call (714) 974-1051. |
 | Technical roundtable discussion to be featured at CalAPA L.A.-area Tech Meeting Nov. 4 in Santa Ana
| A special roundtable discussion on technical issues and trends will take place at the next CalAPA Los Angeles-area Technical Committee meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 4 in Santa Ana. All CalAPA members and agency personnel are invited.
The meeting will take place from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the County of Orange RDMD Conference Room, 1152 Fruit Street in Santa Ana. Click HERE for additional details and to RSVP.
In addition to the roundtable discussion, CalAPA Deputy Executive Director Tony Grasso will provide a recap of the Fall Asphalt Pavement Conference, held last week in Sacramento, and solicit ideas and topics for the Spring Asphalt Pavement Conference & Equipment Expo, which is scheduled for April 20-21, 2016 in Ontario.
For more information, contact Grasso at (909) 362-9192.
 | Job opportunity: Technical supervisor
Jetpatcher USA, a CalAPA member, is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Technical Supervisor.
The successful candidate will perform technical supervision in road repairs and maintenance projects using "Jetpatcher" technology and machines for contracts with local cities and municipalities involving road depression repair and maintenance, sealing dig-out, and pothole, and surface (alligator) crack repair and maintenance, scabbing, and wheel-path rutting repair projects.
The successful candidate will also supervise the technical assembly, repair and maintenance of "Jetpatcher" machines, trucks, and equipment utilized in asphalt paving jobs. Other responsibilities include training personnel and clients, preparing presentations, and performing troubleshooting. The job requires a minimum of five years experience in "Jetpatcher" asphalt paving technology, and technical skills in assembly, repair and troubleshooting of heavy equipment, and trucks utilized in asphalt paving projects. Mail resume and cover letter to: Jetpatcher USA Inc., 2520 South Birch St., Santa Ana, CA 92707. Attention: Mr. Abraham Lopez.
 | A few seats left for free half-day workshops on tack coat Nov. 10 in Sacramento and Nov. 12 in Fontana | A special half-day workshop on best practices in the use of of tack coat in the paving process will be held Nov. 10 in Sacramento and again on Nov. 12 in Fontana. The workshops are being put on in a partnership by Caltrans, the Federal Highway Administration and the asphalt pavement industry. The workshops are free, but seating is limited and registration must be completed on-line and is on a first-come, first-served basis. There is ample free parking at both locations, and refreshments will be provided. The Sacramento workshop will be held Tuesday, Nov. 10 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Red Lion Hotel-Woodlake, 500 Leisure Lane in Sacramento. Click HERE to register. The Fontana workshop will be held on Thursday, Nov. 12 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Caltrans Southern Regional Lab, Multipurpose Room 13, 13970 Victoria Street, Fontana. Click HERE to register. The workshops are being made possible through a collaboration between Caltrans, the FHWA, and the asphalt pavement industry, including the Asphalt Institute and CalAPA. For more information on the workshops, contact Sri Holikatti of Caltrans at (916) 274-6074, or Jason Dietz of the FHWA at (720) 963-3213.
 | Tech Term of the Week
| Each week we highlight a word, acronym or other reference commonly used in the asphalt pavement industry in California.
BITUMEN: Any of several flammable hydrocarbon substances, which may be liquid, semisolid, or solid. For road maintenance work, bitumen commonly means any of several road oils, either asphalt or tar, covered by various specifications.
 | Quote of the Week
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
Milton Berle
We hope you enjoy CalAPA's Asphalt Insider. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information on technical issues, regulation, news and events in California that may impact the asphalt pavement industry. Click HERE to contact us with any comments or suggestions.
Russell W. SnyderExecutive Director California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA) |