Annual 'Day at the Races' at Del Mar Race Track in Del Mar, Calif.
Saturday, July 18
Sign-up HERE!
CalAPA Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, July 29
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: AGC of California, 3095 Beacon Blvd., West Sacramento
Contact: Russell Snyder (916) 791-5044.
Southern California Contractors' Dinner Tuesday, Sept. 8, 5:30 p.m.
Dal Rae Restaurant
9023 E. Washington Blvd.
Pico Rivera Contact: Tony Grasso (909) 362-9192 Details soon! * CLICK & GO!View our interactive, "At a Glance" event calendar HERE.

Asphalt is used on about 94 percent of paved roads in America. Why? Because it's smooth, quiet, safe, durable and 100 percent recyclable. Visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance website learn more about why asphalt is the right choice now more than ever. |
Are you an engineer, designer or technical professional who makes decisions on pavement type selection? The DriveAsphalt website has technical reports and other resources may be just what you're looking for. Click HERE for more information.
CalAPA | |
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 981300
West Sacramento, CA 95798
Main office:
1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 791-5044 (phone)
Did you miss an issue of the California Asphalt Insider? No problem! Past editions of the newsletter are available at the CalAPA newsletter archive page.
CalAPA produces a highly regarded magazine, California Asphalt, and an annual membership directory. To view back issues of the magazine, click HERE. For advertising sales in the magazine and directory, click HERE or call Kerry Hoover with Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
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This weekly bulletin contains the latest news and information of interest to the asphalt pavement industry in California. Please feel free to distribute this newsletter to others who may be interested in asphalt pavements. |
 | Falsetti named permanent head of construction division for Caltrans
| Rachel Falsetti, who has been acting Division Chief of Construction for Caltrans since the beginning of the year, can now drop the word "acting" from her title. Caltrans announced last week that she has officially been promoted into the position.
Falsetti replaces Mark Leja, who retired last year.
"She is looking forward to serving the Department in this position and is committed to furthering partnering efforts in construction," said Caltrans Chief Engineer Karla Sutliffe in an internal Caltrans e-mail sent June 11 announcing the appointment. Prior to coming to the Division of Construction earlier this year, Falsetti held the position of Chief of the Division of Transportation Programming since February of 2007, where she was responsible for programming state and federal transportation funds. This entailed funding of over 5.0 billion worth or transportation projects each year. She is a licensed civil engineer and has been with the Department for 29 years, serving in various management positions. She has held management positions in Construction, Operations, Project Management, Planning and Local Assistance, and Design. She also worked as part of the Toll Bridge Group specifically on the new bay bridge project. Falsetti began her career at Caltrans as an employee in Structure Construction. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 1986. She takes over for Leja, a partnering champion who headed up a "materials summit" held Sept. 10, 2014 in Sacramento featuring industry and agency representatives. The summit was triggered by a May 21, 2014 multi-association letter to State Transportation Secretary Brian Kelly outlining a number of industry concerns regarding materials test accuracy, tester competence and delays in getting timely lab results back from Caltrans. Two task forces grew out of the summit -- one focusing on timely reporting of materials test results, and a second focusing on a joint training and certification program for lab technicians. Both task forces continue to move briskly along, with a number of reforms already agreed to or in the process of being worked out. |
 | Legal do's and don'ts covered at Southern California Contractors' Dinner
| One lawsuit can mean the end of a paving company, which is why you could have heard a pin drop at last week's Southern California Contractor Dinner that featured a presentation on legal do's and don'ts and other essential legal information every contractor should know.
Kimberly Wind, an attorney specializing in construction law for new
CalAPA associate member law firm Hart King, was the featured presenter at June 8 dinner in Pico Rivera attended by more than 40 CalAPA members and guests.
With apologies to recently retired Late Night talk show host David Letterman, Wind offered up her "Top 10" tips for asphalt paving companies, covering both public- and private-sector work. Recent court rulings have brought changes to many areas of interest to contractors, including audits, prevailing wages, disputes and more.
For photos from the event, which took place in the newly refurbished private dining room of the Dal Rae restaurant, click HERE to visit CalAPA's Facebook page. The next Contractors' Dinner is scheduled to take place Sept. 8.
 | Certified Payroll Reporting system undergoing significant changes
Contractors and subcontractors who perform public works are reminded to be aware of significant new changes to the Department of Industrial Relations' electronic certified payroll reporting system, known as eCPR. According to the DIR, any public works projects awarded after April 1  of this year must utilize this electronic system to provide certified payroll records to the state. The previous system, which generated documents in PDF format, is no longer in use, the DIR says. The only exemptions are for projects monitored and enforced by Caltrans, the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Unified School District and the County of Sacramento, or projects covered by a qualifying project labor agreement (PLA). For more information on the Certified Payroll Reporting system for public works projects and the new eCPR system, click HERE. |
 | And they're off! Annual CalAPA Day at Del Mar Race Track is set for July 18 | Fresh off the excitement from last year's Triple Crown challenger, home-grown California Chrome, and this year's champion, American Pharoah, CalAPA is back with one its most popular events: the "Day at the Races" at beautiful Del Mark Race Track.
Click HERE to learn more and to reserve your spot.
The Southern California Contractors' Committee is once again hostingthis gala event on opening weekend at beautiful Del Mar Race
| Triple Crown winner American Pharoah, with Victor Espinosa aboard, at Del Mar last year. |
Track in Del Mar, Calif.
The historic venue, "where the turf meets the surf," is where a bargain-basement colt named California Chrome tested his mettle in 2013 before going on to win the 2014 Kentucky Derby and the Preakness, becoming a global phenomenon in the process. This year's four-footed sensation, American Pharoah, also raced at Del Mar before galloping to glory as the first Triple Crown winner in 37 years. The association has reserved a luxury suite at the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club on Saturday, July 18, which is the opening week of the horse-racing season at the seaside track, which is celebrating its 77th anniversary. The "Star Fiddle Skyroom" boasts panoramic views from a private balcony close to the finish line, with its own betting windows, access to grounds, a fabulous lunch buffet, snacks and a no-host bar. Tickets are $109 and must be purchased in advance via the CalAPA website. Click HERE to order. Del Mar is not only one of the most scenic race tracks in the world,
| The view from the luxury skybox reserved by CalAPA. |
it's also rich with history, with new and exciting chapters being written each year. Last year, the CalAPA-sponsored 1st Race was won by Lord Nelson, a 2-year-old thoroughbred trained by Hall of Fame trainer Bob Baffert, who joined CalAPA representatives Holly Mendell and John Michaik from California Commercial Asphalt in the Winner's Circle. Baffert was the trainer of this year's Triple Crown winner, American Pharoah. Bring your spouse, favorite customer or best friend to our "Day at the Races" and perhaps you'll see the next California Chrome or American Pharoah in action. |
 | Welcome aboard: 3M Personal Safety Division
CalAPA is pleased to welcome its newest association member, 3M Personal Safety Division.
The Personal Safety Division of 3M is the place to find out about a wide range of products featuring Scotchlite™ Reflective Material, which is designed to help protect the health and safety of workers through comfortable and well-designed personal protective equipment (PPE) that offers workers the most effective protection available.
The high-visibility products include vests, hardhats, shirts and other safety wear typically used by the construction industry, as well as manufacturing, mining, public safety and other sectors. All products are designed to meet or exceed national safety standards.
For more information, and to learn about products with Scotchlite™ Reflective Material, contact Erik Williams at (714) 262-5189, or visit the company website HERE.
 | Quote of the Week
"If serving is beneath you, leadership is beyond you." Anonymous
We hope you enjoy CalAPA's Asphalt Insider. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information on technical issues, regulation, news and events in California that may impact the asphalt pavement industry. Click HERE to contact us with any comments or suggestions.
Russell W. SnyderExecutive Director California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA) |