Southern California Contractor's Dinner Tuesday, June 9, 5:30 p.m.
Dal Rae Restaurant
9023 E. Washington Blvd.
Pico Rivera
Contact: Tony Grasso (909) 362-9192 Sign-up HERE
Annual 'Day at the Races' at Del Mar Race Track in Del Mar, Calif.
Saturday, July 18
Sign-up HERE!
CalAPA Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, July 29
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location TBA (Northern California)
Contact: Russell Snyder (916) 791-5044.
CLICK & GO!View our interactive, "At a Glance" event calendar HERE.

Asphalt is used on about 94 percent of paved roads in America. Why? Because it's smooth, quiet, safe, durable and 100 percent recyclable. Visit the Asphalt Pavement Alliance website learn more about why asphalt is the right choice now more than ever. |
Are you an engineer, designer or technical professional who makes decisions on pavement type selection? The DriveAsphalt website has technical reports and other resources may be just what you're looking for. Click HERE for more information.
CalAPA | |
California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA)
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 981300
West Sacramento, CA 95798
Main office:
1550 Harbor Blvd., Suite 211
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 791-5044 (phone)
Did you miss an issue of the California Asphalt Insider? No problem! Past editions of the newsletter are available at the CalAPA newsletter archive page.
CalAPA produces a highly regarded magazine, California Asphalt, and an annual membership directory. To view back issues of the magazine, click HERE. For advertising sales in the magazine and directory, click HERE or call Kerry Hoover with Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
Click HERE to receive California Asphalt Insider each week via e-mail FREE! Or visit our website at:
Click HERE to visit our video page.
Click HERE to visit the PavExpress website.
This weekly bulletin contains the latest news and information of interest to the asphalt pavement industry in California. Please feel free to distribute this newsletter to others who may be interested in asphalt pavements. |
 | The latest threats and opportunities to the industry to be highlighted at June 9 Southern California contractors' dinner
"Deadly threats and incredible opportunities" will be the theme of the June 9 CalAPA Southern California Contractor's Dinner in Pico Rivera. CalAPA members and invited guests are welcome to attend. Executive Director Russell Snyder will give an overview of the many threats that have swirled around the asphalt pavement industry this
| Attendees at a previous CalAPA Southern California Contractors' Dinner. |
year, from onerous regulations to pucker-inducing bills introduced in the state Legislature. The latest update on transportation funding as association activities also will be highlighted. The evening also will feature local agency updates, technical and insurance "news you can use" and plenty of networking. The dinner will take place at the Dal Rae restaurant, 9023 E. Washington Blvd. in Pico Rivera. Networking begins at 5:30 p.m. and the dinner program begins at 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required and must be completed on-line HERE. For more information abut the program, contact Tony Grasso at (909) 362-9192. For registration questions, contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044. |
 | CalAPA's Buyer's Guide is on-line
| CalAPA's Buyers' Guide is now on-line. The electronic guide lists CalAPA members by category to make it easy to utilize the services of CalAPA members. View it HERE.
The Buyers' Guide is also included in the print-only Membership Directory that was mailed out last month to all members in good standing.
For questions about the membership portion of the directory, contact Sophie You of CalAPA at (916) 791-5044. For advertising inquiries, contact Kerry Hoover of Construction Marketing Services, the publisher of the guide, at (909) 772-3121.
 | L.A. Councilman who spoke at CalAPA Annual Dinner to seek Supervisor seat
Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander, who delivered a memorable speech at a CalAPA Annual Dinner at the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles, has announced he will run for a seat on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors being vacated by longtime Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who
| Mitchell Englander brandishes an asphalt bumper sticker at a CalAPA dinner in 2013. |
is retiring. There are only five districts that comprise the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, and the 5th District covers a sprawling area that includes the Antelope, Crescenta, Santa Clarita and San Gabriel Valleys. It is a coveted position that wields so much money and power that political pundits have sometimes referred to the board as the "five little kings." Englander, who along with fellow council member Joe Busciano, pushed an ambitious but ultimately unsuccessful road-repair effort in 2013, delivered a fiery speech to the CalAPA Annual Dinner in 2013 that is still talked about to this day. Englander currently represents the 12th district on the City Council, which covers the San Fernando Valley. His official City Council website is HERE. His campaign website is HERE.
 | Members in the news: CalAPA members support HEAR Center golf tournament fundraiser June 1
Several CalAPA members are supporting a golf tournament to raise money for the HEAR Center, a non-profit clinic that provides services to the hearing-impaired in the San Gabriel Valley. Founded in 1954, the HEAR Center is the only non-profit 501(c)3 clinic of its kind in the San Gabriel Valley. It provides state-of-the-art speech and hearing services for anyone who needs it, regardless of
the ability to pay. The annual golf tournament is a major fundraiser for the clinic, and Jonathan Layne with CalAPA member Sully-Miller is this year's tournament chairman. "I have the extreme pleasure of being Chair of the 2015 Hear Center Golf Committee," Layne said. "Not only do I get to work with the 'best-of-the-best' in the industry on the committee but I am also grateful to have full support from the Sully-Miller Group for allowing me to donate time and help organize this exclusive event. It is my hope that the industry can continue to build upon the legacy of the Hear Center Golf Tournament through new sponsors and players all while enjoying an incredible day of golf with colleagues and friends on a beautiful course for an even greater cause." Numerous other CalAPA members support the tournament, including Holliday Rock, Vulcan Materials, Lehigh-Hanson and CalPortland, among others. The Golf Tournament is scheduled to take place June 1 at the South Hills Country Club in West Covina. Click HERE for details. |
 | Job opportunity: Materials Lab Manager
CalAPA associate member G3 Quality, a materials testing firm based in Cerritos, is accepting applications for Materials Laboratory Manager. Click HERE to learn more about the position. Click HERE to visit the company's main webpage. For more information, contact G3 Quality at (562) 321-9840. |
 | High-quality promotional brochures on asphalt available on the CalAPA website
Numerous attractive publications about various aspects of asphalt pavements are available for download from the CalAPA website. The brochures, which include authoritative citations when  appropriate, focus on sustainability, pavement type selection, water quality, carbon footprint, how asphalt is an integral part of sustainable communities and more. To visit the CalAPA publications page, click HERE. The publications were produced by the Asphalt Pavement Alliance, a collaborative effort of the National Asphalt Pavement Association, the Asphalt Institute and state asphalt pavement associations, including CalAPA. To learn more about the APA, click HERE. Additional tools and resources are available exclusively to CalAPA members via periodic "Member Alerts. A tip sheet on effective community relations strategies and best practices, for example was sent to members April 24. To request a copy, contact the CalAPA office at (916) 791-6044. |
 | Past issues of the CalAPA newsletter, magazine are available on-line
| Missed an issue of the California Asphalt Insider newsletter or California Asphalt magazine? No problem. An archive of past issues is available via the CalAPA website.
The archive includes newsletter issues from 2014 and 2015. Older issues are available upon request for CalAPA members only. Contact the CalAPA office at (916) 791-5044 to request a copy.
The newsletter archive is HERE. An archive of digital copies of the magazine is HERE.
For advertising inquiries, contact Kerry Hoover of Construction Marketing Services at (909) 772-3121.
 | Quote of the Week
"A life is like a gar�den. Per�fect moments can be had, but not preserved, ex�cept in mem�ory." Leonard Nimoy
We hope you enjoy CalAPA's Asphalt Insider. We are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information on technical issues, regulation, news and events in California that may impact the asphalt pavement industry. Click HERE to contact us with any comments or suggestions.
Russell W. SnyderExecutive Director California Asphalt Pavement Association (CalAPA) |