Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
June 1, 2016 e-newsletter
As I write this message I'm sitting on a dock overlooking a lake in the north woods of Wisconsin. There must be over one hundred different shades of green in the trees surrounding the lake, the leaves shimmering in the breeze. Ahhhhhh, the green season! Time for growth and reflection and renewal. I hope that each of you has an opportunity this summer to be refreshed and re-energized. Our regional ALCM conferences could be just the ticket! The conference planners have worked creatively and diligently to provide opportunities for learning, worship, and fellowship. There is still time to register. Come and enjoy!
Anne Krentz Organ
President, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
2016 Regional Conferences
Hotel rooms are filling up - don't wait to make your hotel reservation. After the deadline dates (see below),
our group rates may not be available.
July 6-8, 2016
Trinity English Lutheran Church
Fort Wayne, IN
"Let All the People Praise You"
Singing through the Generations
July 26-28, 2016
Lutheran School of Theology
Chicago, IL
Blowin' in the Wind . . . stirred, anointed, fashioned, and swept into service by the Holy Spirit
June 27-29, 2016
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Franklin, TN
Soli Deo Gloria! Bach for Everyone
Hotel deadline extended to: June 8
July 14-16, 2016
St. John's Lutheran Church
Sacramento, CA
Haven't registered yet? Click on the links above to go to the main page for each conference.
Synopsis of ALCM Board Meeting
May 24-25, 2016
Chicago, IL
The ALCM Board of Directors met in Chicago on May 24-25 and accomplished the following:
- Adopted a position description for the role of Executive Director; agreed to seek outside funding to cover two years of salary/benefits for the position as well as costs associated with a search; began to consider makeup of search committee.
- Reviewed plans for our 30th Anniversary, including: the newly commissioned hymn to be introduced at regional conferences and posted on the Members Only page of the website; logo; appeal for annual fund.
- Opted to publish an additional issue of In Tempo in 2017, moving from two to three issues annually, as this publication has been so well received. Resolved to move forward with "Tips for the 30th" to provide further practical material for our members.
- Discussed regional elections and the current structure of regional officers. Decided to leave the structure in place at least through 2018.
- Explored regional conference structure for 2018, including the possibility of partnering with church bodies, universities, seminaries, and congregations to host multiple one- or two-day workshops across the country, primarily based on skill-building, with potentially two larger events, geographically distributed.
- Deliberated how ALCM might partner with Lutheran seminaries to build relationships and help provide additional training in worship and music, perhaps by hosting several of the 2018 events.
- Considered recommendation of Beth Burns (consultant at January meeting) to add a person with legal experience to the board as a consulting member with voice but no vote. Discussion raised numerous questions, item was tabled to a subsequent meeting.
- Thanked Scott Hyslop as he completes his second term as Director at Large, especially for his assistance in facilitating the Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition.
ALCM Board of Directors:
Anne Krentz Organ, President
Julie Grindle, President-Elect
Kevin Barger, Secretary/Treasurer
Scott Hyslop, Director at Large
Michael Krentz, Director at Large
John Weit, Region 1 President
Sarah Hawbecker, Region 2 President
Linda Martin, Region 3 President
Kim Cramer, Region 4 President
ALCM Members at Lutheran Summer Music
Lorraine Brugh, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Chapel Music at Valparaiso University, will serve as the organ teacher and performer;
Jon Strommen Campbell, conductor for Cedar Singers at Augsburg College and music director at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, serves as the Paul Bouman Chapel Choir Conductor;
Pastor Jim Honig, pastor at Faith Lutheran Church in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, serves as the Phyllis and Richard Duesenberg Endowed Chaplain Chair.
Congratulations to these three -- and to the many other ALCM members who have served on the LSM faculty in past years!
